Chapter 3 || The New Guards

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(No pov)

Wilbur was examining the two pieces of the broken yet elegant dagger in the library, why was this so important? It was made quite masterfully and looked as though it was unbreakable,

Wilbur examined it a little bit longer before sighing and walking to the barracks,

Unlike most barracks in the other kingdoms, the Arctic Kingdom gave their guards and knights luxurious rooms and bathrooms, they had chefs that prepared them all food and the guards and knights had their own rooms with quills, ink, books, and comfortable beds, after all, the protecters of the kingdom did deserve some luxury for their duties,

The people in the common room turned their heads to see the second eldest prince walking into the room, Wilbur waved with a smile before heading to the armoury, a few knights and guards greeted him before going back to what they were originally doing,

Wilbur entered the armoury, armour stands of iron and diamond armour stood beside the matching swords, each stand and sword has the wielders or wearers name on it but Wilbur continued into the armoury and eventually arrived at the forge,

Wilbur eventually arrived at the blacksmith's shop where the three royal blacksmiths worked, "Hello?" Wilbur asked into the empty forge,

A little bit later a man came out from the backroom and yelped in surprise, "Oh my muffins! I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting!" He apologized, Wilbur laughed, "Don't worry, I was just thinking anyway," Wilbur said,

The man had hazelnut coloured hair and green eyes, square-framed glasses, and pointed ears, he had a black and red tunic, black fingerless gloves and a dark and light grey scarf, black pants and mud brown boots,

Bad immediately looked relieved, "Sorry anyway, now what do you need?" Bad asked, Wilbur thought for a minute before asking, "You're the new person who came here from the Jade Kingdom, yes?" Wilbur asked,

Bad's normally happy posture shrunk into a sad version, "Yeah.. why?" Bad asked sadly and curiously, "I was just wondering, I haven't seen you around before, anyway I found this dagger, it's broken and I was wondering if you could fix it?" Wilbur asked,

Bad nodded happily, Wilbur smiled and took out the broken pieces of the dagger and handed them to Bad, Bad looked down at the dagger and his happy expression morphed into one of horror, shock, and fear, but also... sadness,

"Bad? Are you alright?" Wilbur asked worriedly, Bad looked up slowly, "H-huh? Oh! Yeah, sorry about that, I just, I made this dagger myself..." Bad said slowly,

"What!?" Wilbur exclaimed in shock and surprise, Bad slowly nodded,

"I worked in the castle's forge and army, this is the first and only dagger like this, this was for prince- the Prince of Jade's dagger, I made it for him as a gift," Bad slowly explained,

"How the fuck did it get to our kingdom!?" Wilbur exclaimed quietly, "I-I don't know! I mean, I can fix it but the Prince of Jade is apparently long dead, so I don't think it matters what happens to it anyway," Bad finished before sighing sadly,

"Did you know him?" Wilbur asked curiously, Bad nodded, "We were best friends, along with these three other guards, one was caught while we were escaping, and I haven't seen the other two since," Bad sighed,

"I started to travel around the kingdoms before ending up here." Bad said sadly and looked away once he finished,

Wilbur looked at him pitying, "I'm so sorry Bad, We'll try to end this war as soon as possible," Wilbur told him, Bad nodded hopefully and walked over to the anvils,

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