Chapter 22 || Letter Plans and Conversations

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(No pov)
(Two days later)

Dream awoke from an excellent rest, the only problem was that the castle felt empty, the only people to accompany him were his siblings and occasionally, his friend Skeppy.

Dream and Skeppy had reunited the day before Wilbur had left, they caught up a bit and Dream had included him in the letter to Bad.

Skeppy had occasionally helped plan the coronation and had been helping getting the Kingdom back together, and so far they were doing pretty well.

Dream had just finished getting ready for his day and had just exited his room when a guard came to him holding three envelopes.

"Your highness, three letters have arrived for you from the Arctic." The guard said, "Thank you, I will check them as soon as I can." Dream said as he took the letters, he waved goodbye and quickly went to his office.

Dream entered his office and closed the doors before sitting down with a sigh, he had a lot to plan today, hopefully they were short letters.

Dream opened the first one that had been sealed with deep blue wax with the Arctic symbol engraved onto it, the letter was sent by King Phil it appeared.

'Prince Dream,

            We have heard from Wilbur about what has happened in the Arctic, and we must say that we am surprised.

            We didn't expect that you would be the Jade Prince, but that is something for another time.

            Now, in your first letter you said something about a meeting between all royals, we agree with you but we suggest meeting at the Jade Kingdom, it is the kingdom we're discussing after all. We will leave the rest up to you, but we recommend you make it a convenient time for all of us.

            Once you decide on everything please inform us all, with luck the meeting might happen in this month.

             We would like to thank you for ending this war, hopefully we will finally achieve our long awaited peace.

                                        King Philza
                                    King Eret
                                       Prince Karl'

Dream sighed in relief, it was a fairly short letter so it was quick to read, Dream grabbed a new piece of paper and wrote a new letter, one that addressed the most convenient days and times of the meeting.

Dream quickly finished and signed the paper before slipping it into an envelope and sealing it shut with the green wax.

He put the envelope to the side and grabbed the next letter, the envelope had been sealed with red and orange wax with a sword engraved in the wax.

'To Dream,

        It's been awhile since we've talked last, well, to this version of you at least.

       We're not mad at you, we don't have any reason to be. You helped us escape the castle anyway, we're sorry we had to leave you behind though, we had seized the opportunity but we didn't have the time to tell you about it, perhaps if we did then we could've avoided some of this war.

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