Chapter 5 || A Familiar Thief

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(No pov)

Dream awoke early the next day and got ready for his day of guarding Prince Wilbur,

Dream took a shower and brushed his teeth, as he looked up he saw his reflection, ghostly white eyes, ugly scars, messy shoulder length pure white hair, pointed ears, and sharp teeth that looked like fangs, Dream scowled at his reflection, he hadn't looked like a normal human ever since the eldest Prince Jade had died,

Dream wove his hair into a braid and put his mask on and made sure it was securely tightened, and then put a black tunic and brown pants on and then a green cloak on and made sure the hood was securely over his head, Dream exited the bathroom and put his leather boots on and grabbed his dagger and axe before leaving his bedroom,

Dream was supposed to meet the prince outside his room and thought he should ask a servant where the room was, Dream hadn't yet had a tour of the beautiful castle,

Dream left the barracks and walked around the castle while looking for a servant, eventually he found a guard,

"Do you know where prince Wilbur is?" Dream asked the guard, the guard nodded, "Yes I do, you're Dream right?" The guard asked, "Yes I am," Dream responded, "Wilbur's in the library, it's just down the hall on the left," the guard told Dream,

"Alright, thank you," Dream told him before walking down the hall to the large wooden door, Dream pushed the door open to reveal the stunning three levelled library,

Dream stood there in amazement, this was by far the biggest library he had ever seen, Dream snapped out of his trance when he remembered that he was supposedly to find Wilbur,

Dream began searching each of the aisles of bookshelves carefully until he came across the music section of the library, Dream was searching the section and eventually found the prince passed out in an armchair,

Dream looked at the prince and sighed, how was he supposed to wake him up? Dream sighed before going to the fantasy section and grabbing a book and walking back to the music section,

Dream sat down on a bench farther away from Wilbur and began to read,

An hour later Dream heard Wilbur stir awake, Wilbur stood up from the armchair and yawned as he stretched,

"Good morning, have a nice sleep?" Dream greeted and didn't look up from his book, Wilbur yelped in surprise and turned to see Dream reading a book with his back turned to him,

"How long have you been there?" Wilbur asked, Dream looked up to the grandfather clock at the end of the library section,

"Maybe an hour or so," Dream replied before going back to reading, "Why didn't you wake me up?" Wilbur asked, Dream shrugged, "You looked like you hadn't slept since the war started," Dream said sarcastically,

Wilbur rolled his eyes, "I'm going to get ready for the day," Wilbur announced before leaving the library, Dream stayed there and continued reading,

Wilbur eventually appeared again half an hour later with his guitar case, "We're going out to the town, come one," Wilbur told him, Dream put his book down and stood up before following Wilbur who was leaving the library,

The two walked out of the castle with Dream a little bit behind Wilbur, they eventually reached the town square where there was a stage like platform where the local and travelling musicians played,

The platform was five inches off the ground with a cobblestone floor, it had the Arctic Kingdom's symbol engraved in the center and designs spiralling around it, and there were six stone pillars that were on each corner of the platform, and the pillars had designs that told stories engraved into them,

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