Forest Secrets

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(No pov)

-Two months after the coronation-

Dream and Wilbur were beyond happy, the two were always together whenever they could, the only problem was Wilbur had to go back to the Arctic sometimes.

But when Wilbur was visiting the Jade kingdom, Dream got an idea.

He thinks it's time to return the sword and try to find George.

So, Dream told Wilbur his idea. Wilbur agreed to it, but told Dream if he's going to try to find George, at least try to bring Sapnap, Bad, and Skeppy along with him.

Dream set out letters the same day, or well, at least to Sapnap, Bad had moved back to the Jade Kingdom awhile ago.

Dream awaited Sapnap's reply, which eventually came, and Sapnap showed up two days later.

The five left the castle after Dream explained to his siblings where he was going, they normally watched over the kingdom when he left so this wasn't any different.

When Sapnap finally arrived, the five left soon after, they took out four horses and left, Wilbur and Dream shared a horse while Sapnap, Bad, and Skeppy had their own.

The five arrived at the unclaimed land one day after they left, Dream shivered once he recognized the thick fog and dead trees, it wasn't a pleasant visit last time.

But Dream was here for a different reason, he was here to return the sword and try to find his friend.

After a long bit of navigating the eery woods, light started flicking through the thick fog and the trees slowly started to appear with bright green leaves.

Dream saw Wilbur look around in awe at the beautiful forest and laughed quietly, Wilbur turned to him and smiled before turning back to the trail.

A bit later the five arrived in the sword pedestal's clearing, Dream hopped off his horse and took the sword before tying his horse to a tree.

Wilbur hopped off after Dream and followed him to the pedestal, he was looking around the forest in awe which Dream found funny.

"So... George is here?" Skeppy asked, Dream nodded, "According to the files and Sapnap's note, yes." Dream answered.

"But I also need to return this." Dream said and unsheathed the sword, "It doesn't belong in the castle, it's home is here." Dream said and looked at the pedestal.

Wilbur gave him an encouraging look, "Go do it then, nothing bad's going to happen." Wilbur said, Dream nodded and approached the sword pedestal, it was very cracked and mossy but Dream could clearly see a slit the was large enough for the sword.

Dream drew the sword and stabbed into the cut in the pedestal, he suddenly felt the sheath lighten and soon disappear, the sword had also begun glowing as well.

Dream slowly walked away from the sword and back to the others, "Time to find George?" He asked, his friends and love nodded on response.

A wind blew through the forest, along with it came a voice, it was familiar but distant, and it sounded like it was encouraging something to happen.

Another familiar voice responded with a scoff and footsteps began to echo throughout the forest.

"You returned the sword I see." A voice announced from a trail opening, the five turned to see who the voice belonged to.

"George?" They exclaimed, well, except Wilbur, he'd never seen George before.

George laughed, "Hello again," he said, "I knew you'd come find me." he added, he was immediately knocked over by his friends tackling him though, he laughed and hugged them back.

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