Chapter 14 || The Final Battle

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(No pov)
!!Fighting, Death and Blood!!

-The next day-

Dream had been walking to the war planning room, they had received a letter from the Nether Kingdom about how some of their spies had heard about the Jade kingdom going to attack the Arctic next.

Dream approached the doors of the war planning room and took a deep breath before opening the doors and walking inside.

Dream was immediately ran into by Punz, who appeared to have been very worried.

"Oh my gods Dream! Are you okay? I heard what happened with the nether gas, are you alright?" Punz asked worriedly.

Dream smiled at his friends worry, "Punz! I'm fine don't worry, I wasn't even affected that badly." Dream laughed.

"Dream, you were missing from guard's duty and special training for two days! I know you're Wilbur's knight but you missed two day." Punz scolded.

"Whatever- I'm fine now, but we have problems bigger than the nether poison incident Punz." Dream pointed out.

"Hm.. true. But still."  Punz replied, Dream rolled his eyes before walking to the table, he ignores the looks of awe or surprise that he received from the others at the table.

Stress radiated from the table, it was so much more than last time as well.

The doors opened as Corpse and Techno walked into the room, they both were expressions of stress and determination to keep their home safe.

"Today Prince Technoblade shall be joining us on this mission, along with every other battalion, although some are staying to guard the castle and town just in case." Corpse informed them all.

"We need to ambush them before they reach our castle." Techno said abruptly, Corpse nodded in agreement, "That's an obvious, but where are they coming from? We need to know that part." Corpse pointed out.

"What about this snowfield? It's wide enough to fit their entire army, and they don't have the element of surprise anymore considering how they probably know that we know about them now." Punz mused as he pointed at a snowfield north of Artica.

"Hm, yes that would be smart. Good idea Punz." Corpse said with a nod and Techno looked at the map.

"We could come up from here and set up in the trees, that could give us a height advantage." Techno added.

"True, and the forest wraps around the field so we can close them in." Corpse adds with a snap of his fingers.

"I think that's a good plan, we should leave right away so we can set up early." Corpse says.

"Considering how dangerous this battle will be, I suggest you write letters to your loved ones  and say goodbye." Corpse added, it ultimately resulted in horrifying most people in that room.

"We leave in... three hours. Better hurry up and get ready then, and make sure you have all of your sharpest weapons on you. We cannot afford to lose any time at all." Techno added ominously.

Everyone hurried out of the war planning room and rushed through the halls and into the unusually empty barracks.

Dream rushed to his room and immediately put on his armour and started sharpening his sword, axe, and dagger, when he was done they were so sharp that if you gently touched the blade, it would cut you.

Dream quickly packed everything up into their sheaths or quivers and wrapped the diamond pendant around his hand, when he ran to the door, he was about to open the door when his hand retracted back.

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