Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Mom?" I whispered loudly as I walked into the house, Kaya following close behind.
"In the living room kid."

I walked into the living room and saw Danielle trying to rock Rory to sleep.
"I got her Mom. Go take a nap with Mamma." I told her as I took Rory from her arms.
"Are you sure? You don't have to kid." Danielle said with a yawn.
"You need it. Go." I shooed her away.

"You're a great big sister." Kaya told me as Danielle walked out of the room.
"I try. I wanna help out as much as I can. They gave up their lives to raise me, and now to raise my little sister. They deserve a break every now and then, and I know I haven't made their lives the easiest." I smiled sadly.
"Hey. Your Moms love you. I can see it in the way they look at you, or brag about you. I had to listen to Stefania brag about you for two hours before you showed up at your birthday party." She laughed.

"Dork. You wanna hold her so I can start dinner?"

I transferred Rory from my arms to Kaya's arms, and felt my heart leap in my chest when I saw her cuddling that baby.
Stop it Betty. She's your co worker. You know how that ended last time.

"You wanna listen to Mamma's favorite Italian songs Rory? Come on."

I got the stuff out to make Mamma's and Mom's favorite pasta, as I played Mamma's playlist at a low volume.

"You should hear Mamma sing this Rory. This is one of her favorite songs." I cooed at my baby sister as she stared at me from Kaya's arms.

An hour and a half later, dinner was finished.
"Kaya! Will you call Barrett and let her know they can head over now?"
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I didn't get a response.

"Kaya?" I walked into the living room, and saw Kaya asleep on the couch with Rory in her bassinet.
Kaya's hand was in the bassinet, and Rory had her hand wrapped around Kaya's pinky finger.

My heart soared with happiness as I took a quick picture of them.
"Kaya?" I whispered as I gently shook her.
"Huh?" She groaned and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling down onto the couch.
"Kaya!" I giggled.
"Five more minuets." She muttered as she buried her face in my neck.

I closed my eyes at the feeling of her breath on my neck.
"Okay. Five more minuets." I sighed.


I yawned as I got out of my bed from my nap.
"Bambina?" Stefania whimpered.
"I'm here baby. Go back to sleep. I'll wake you up when everyone gets here." I leaned over and kissed her head.

I walked out of the room and walked into the living room.
I smiled slightly as I saw Betty and Kaya cuddled up on the couch, and Rory sleeping in her bassinet next to them. I quickly snapped a picture of the three of them.
"Hey sleepy heads. Time to wake up." I whispered as I shook Betty and Kaya gently.
"I'm awake Mom. Kaya fell asleep with Rory as I was cooking." Betty opened her eyes and smiled at me.
"Come on kid." I held my hand out and helped her up.

I nodded to the back deck, and she followed me out.
"What's up Mom?" Betty asked.
"Do you have a crush on Kaya?" I asked.
"Mom." She groaned.
"I just want you to be careful. Remember what happened last time you dated someone you worked with."
"I know. Which is why I won't be dating Kaya. I like her, Mom. But I can't get my heart broken again."
"Take a chance on love, kid. You'll be surprised where it takes you." I looked inside the house where stefania was taking the baby out of the bassinet and cuddling her. Kaya was sat up and laughing at something Stefania said.

"Look what taking a chance on love got me. Two wonderful, beautiful, amazing children, and a amazing fiancé. It got me a family." I wrapped my arms around Betty and hugged her tight.
"I don't wanna get my heart broke again Mom." She sniffled into my chest.
"I know baby girl. I know."


Danielle and I walked back inside, and was greeted by Barrett and Jaina walking in.
"Hey Tìa. Hey Auntie." I smiled as I walked past them and into the kitchen.
"The pasta smells good."

I turned and saw Kaya leaning against the counter.
"Grazie bella. I definitely got Mamma's cooking skills." I chuckled as I grabbed bottles of water for her and me out of the fridge.
"You're a good daughter, you know that?" She asked as I leaned against the counter next to her.
"I try. I've caused them enough heartache for one lifetime. I might as well give them some happiness." I shrugged slightly.
"Betty, you gotta stop talking about yourself like that. You're an amazing person." She reached over and grabbed my hand.
"You don't know me Kaya. You don't know my whole story." I shook my head back and forth.
"Then let me get to know you. Please?"

I turned and looked her in her brown eyes. I could get lost in those eyes forever, and never worry about coming back.

"Is dinner ready? I'm starving!" Jaina asked as she walked into the kitchen.
I pulled my hand away from Kaya's, "Yep. Everyone come eat!"

"God, I taught you well." Stefania laughed as she put her plate in the dish washer.
"I tried. It wasn't as good as yours though." I smiled softly as I continued to clean the kitchen.
"What's in your mind bambina? Talk to your Mamma." She gently nudged me with her elbow.
"Nothing Mamma. Just a conflict between my brain and my heart."
"Kaya?" She asked.
"Sì. Io ho una cotta.  Ma non posso uscire con qualcuno con cui lavoro di nuovo.  Non riesco a farmi spezzare il cuore di nuovo.  Ha fatto troppo male l'ultima volta." (I have a crush. But I can't date someone I work with again. I can't get my heart broken again. It hurt too much the last time.)
"Ricordi quando ho tradito tua madre?  Le ho spezzato il cuore.  Ma l'ho anche aggiustato.  Ha scelto di farmi rientrare, quando non era necessario.  Ha colto una possibilità con l'amore, e anche io. Let yourself be happy bambina. It'll be worth it." (Do you remember when I cheated on your Mom? I broke her heart. But, I also mended it. She chose to let me back in, when she didn't have to. She took a chance on love, and so did I.)

I sighed and looked into the living room, where Kaya was sitting on the couch with Rory resting against her thighs, talking to her in a baby voice.
"I'll try Mamma. I'll try."

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