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The morning shift was quiet as always. Not a lot of customers, none bought something. I thought with vinyls experiencing this kind of revival and everything being 'in' there'd be more people going to the record store again, but they probably just order online nowadays. 

I say goodbye to my uncle and hurry to get home, eat something, change, and take my camera with me. 

Ashton had texted me early this morning, asking if 2pm at a coffee shop he'd sent me was alright. 

It was weird seeing his name on my phone this morning beside the WhatsApp symbol. I had to pinch myself and look three times until I really believed it. 

But then I looked at the home screen background. I used the picture we took at the store the first time we met. I couldn't resist it. 

This still was my dream come true and I needed some kind of proof, certainty that it really happened.

When I walked around the corner; I already saw him waiting there and immediately a smile grew on my face. 

He noticed me and started smiling as well. I made a mental notice that he apparently really enjoyed spending time with me and didn't just feel an obligation to do so. 

You can't fake these first reactions to seeing someone. We said our hellos, grabbed some coffee; he wouldn't let me pay; and made our way to the starting point of the hike he had thought of, chatting about anything. 

I told him how there were still barely customers and he agreed that it must be because everyone is buying everything online. 

"I don't get it though. That's one of the best parts about choosing a new vinyl, isn't it? Searching through it in a record store, for hours, sometimes still leaving with nothing, discovering new artists most of the time though. I couldn't just buy all vinyls online it doesn't make sense. They probably never were at a store before, that must be why.", he rambled on, trying to find an explanation and I started laughing. 

"Why are you laughing? This is a serious issue!", he exclaimed. 

"It's nothing just, I spent most of my morning with exactly these thoughts in my head, trying to wrap my mind around it." 

"Oh.", he blatantly stated and continued: "You need more publicity. You didn't post the picture of us anywhere at least I didn't see it. It's not that I like it but that would give you some."

"I know, I know. I just – I wanted to keep it to myself for a little longer.", Iexplained, avoiding his eyes. 

"You don't want fans lingering around, waiting if I come back?", he guessed, and I nodded. That was part of the reason, and he mustn't know any more. 

"Just post it on the store's page and don't tag me. It'll take them a while to figure it out and you get some quiet before it all starts.Maybe it won't be that bad. And we can meet up anyway.", he assured me and eventually convinced me to upload it. 

I sighed, closed Instagram, and put my phone away. 

"And now, can we enjoy this hike? I don't want to think about the store's problems for one afternoon." 

He quickly agreed and we walked in silence for a while. I took some pictures of our surroundings but also some of Ashton,walking a bit behind him. I couldn't help it. I don't know if he noticed it, he didn't mention it, if he did. 

"What are you doing all day anyway?", I asked, trying to start the conversation again and also because I was really interested what a day in the life of Ashton Irwin looked like when he wasn't on tour. 

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