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Michael eventually got the sharpie to fade a bit. He still chose to wear something that covers everything up, even though they made me upload the video and tag them. We left for soundcheck and I decided to stay closer to the crowd this time, trying to capture the excitement when they saw the boys for the first time. Some fans greeted me, and it still surprised me that they recognized me. I talked to a few of them, and they were actually really nice, even though they mostly asked about Ashton and our relationship with each other. I couldn't say too much to that because we still haven't announced anything officially, even though I knew all of them know by now. I made a mental note to talk to Ash later and soon the soundcheck started. 

I quickly observed that it sounds all fun and games until you get into the third show and notice that it's literally the same procedure every day. The same questions get asked, the same songs are sung, the same excitement is seen. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful thing to see all of those people come together because they share a love for one band. But it isn't too interesting after the third time. However, taking pictures at the show in the evening still was something new every day. They change things up sometimes and I always discover different angles and perspectives to take pictures from, surprising myself with the results a lot. It was fun, seeing the show through the lens, witnessing it up close, but also kind of from afar.


I could see the sweat glistening on all of their foreheads as they came running backstage, excited as always, though this time I decided to actually capture this moment. Ashton ran over to me, taking the camera from my hand, putting it on a nearby table and engulfing me in a long overdue hug, pulling me as close to him as possible. In that moment I noticed how little time we had had together the last days and how much I had missed just being in his arms, no matter how sweaty he was. I breathed in deeply and only reluctantly pulled away, exchanging a quick glance with him, silently agreeing to cuddle later as soon as we were back on the bus.


I took another blanket and pillow and added those the pile that had already formed in the back of the bus, giving us as much privacy as possible. Ashton followed closely behind me, bringing his computer. We arranged the pillows and laid down together, me cuddled into his side, the computer on our legs. I sighed, feeling content with just being wrapped in his arms after a long three days without a lot of time for each other. We watched some show, even though both of us were more distracted with each other. I felt him looking down at me, while drawing small circles on my arms, kissing the top of my head once in a while. 

"Ash?", I quietly asked, and he hummed in response, encouraging me to continue. 

"I want to announce our relationship. Fans keep asking me about us before shows and during soundcheck.", I explained, and felt him shift his position, so I looked up at him. 

"I'd love to. Honestly, I was just waiting for you to bring it up, because I didn't want to pressure you into it. There's going to be even more hate online, you know that.", he warned, and I nodded, laying my head back down onto his chest. 

"I'm starting to learn how to deal with it, and I just want to keep them from making up stories. I want the world to know that you're mine and I'm yours.", I finished, and his chuckle made my heart fill with love for this man. I turned around in his arms, coming face to face with him, and leaned closer until our noses were touching. He closed his eyes at the touch, and I smiled slightly at the effect I had on him. I closed the small gap that still separated us, feeling his warm lips on mine. Smiling into the kiss, I tangled my fingers in his hair, his hands sliding down to my waist, keeping me close. 

"Stop making out, we want to talk to you!", someone yelled outside the door, followed closely by the door opening. Sighing, we pulled apart and I reluctantly returned to my place beside him. 

"Guys, I love you, but we need to talk about this thing called privacy.", Ashton said, sounding as annoyed as I was feeling. 

"There's this thing called knocking too, you know?", I added, making sure to shoot each of them a glare. 

"No privacy and no knocking on the bus. You shouldn't be doing anything on here that's worth privacy.", Luke explained, making it sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I groaned, turning my head so my forehead was directed towards Ashton's chest, feeling his chuckle vibrate through his whole body. 

"What'd you want to talk about anyway?", he asked Luke, and they all took that as their cue to sit down with us. 

"Were you thinking about announcing your relationship publicly? Because the fans on Twitter have been going crazy since you've joined us on tour.", Michael explained, being as blunt as always. 

"We actually have before you came barging in. What'd you suggest how we do it?", Ash replied, still combing his fingers through my hair, while I had returned to my previous spot next to him, looking at the boys expectantly. 

"Well, there's not too many options, is there? Either announce it online or during an interview and since we don't have a lot of the latter, guess that leaves Twitter and Instagram.", Calum concludes, the other boys nodding in agreement. 

"What about soundcheck?", I asked, and they looked irritated for a second. 

"Actually, not too bad of an idea. You'd have to wait for someone to ask but that shouldn't take too long, they're desperate for some kind of announcement.", Luke pointed out, and after discussing it for a few more minutes we agreed to just leave it until Ashton was asked about it in soundcheck or an interview, whichever comes first.


I walked through the long hallway backstage, trying to get out front before the soundcheck started, but only arriving in time with them starting their first song. I zoomed in on each of the boys, taking some shots before they put their instruments to the side, getting ready for the question section. Ashton glanced over at me a few times, but I just tried to smile reassuringly. The fans questions started off easy, favorite song to perform live, playlist to get hyped before a show, favorite shop to buy new shirts. 

Until a girl with long blue hair directed her question directly towards Ashton, and I just knew she would ask him the question we had been waiting for. I moved to the side, trying to get backstage and keep taking photos from there, when I looked up at the stage and saw Luke shaking his head slightly, as if to say: 'if you leave now, it will be on Twitter and everyone will make fun of it'. So, I stayed, and waited for Ashton who smiled and replied with a short 'Yeah, she's my girlfriend and I couldn't be happier.' to the girl with the blue hair, and everyone's eyes darting back and forth between us. 

I tried to avoid the fans eyes, looking up at the boys, who noticed that the fans attention wasn't solely on them anymore until Michael spoke up: "Alright, moving on. This is Lie To Me.", and they continued with their soundcheck, quickly gaining the fans' attention back. I breathed out heavily, not realizing I had stopped breathing, and finally walked backstage, feeling much more comfortable without everyone staring me down. 

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