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We drove to the beach in silence, which was weird, since Luke would usually try to start a conversation. As soon as we arrived, we both got out, grabbed our guitars and a blanket, and walked over to a small cave, hidden away from all curious eyes. 

"Luke, are you alright? You're quiet today.", I stated while we sat down on the blanket. I took off my shoes and socks, wiggling my toes in the warm sand. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Rehearsal was just exhausting, but it was nice seeing Ashton so smiley and most of all not sleepy even though you didn't spend the night yesterday." 

"Oh, I'm glad to hear that. I've been sleeping better the last days as well, but to be fair I was at his most of them so maybe it doesn't count for much." 

"You two are better together. I'm happy you took the leap. But still I wanted to talk about if you thought about the tour already.", he asked vaguely, but I didn't really know what he meant, so I looked at him, raised eyebrow, until he continued: "Not so much the distance, but if you wanted to join us to photograph, challenge yourself a bit." 

I had expected that question, but I still didn't have an answer. I mean, yes, it would be amazing, but I didn't feel confident enough with my work to have them solely rely on me. 

"Ryan would be there as well, so you could see it as try-outs? I don't know, I told Ashton to ask you, but he said he didn't think you'd know it by now.", he explained, and I shook my head, smiling at the mention of Ashton and his likeminded thoughts. 

"He's right. He's right and we haven't even talked about it before.", I replied, almost a whisper, talking more to myself than with Luke. 

"You should still join us for some dates. Ashton would be more than happy to have you take pictures or in the crowd singing along. And the rest of us would too.", he offered, and I nodded. 

"Yeah, I'll think about that. I'm definitely gonna watch a few shows, and we'll see about the photography part. I'll bring Sav. Calum would be happy, they have been texting a lot." 

Luke laughed, and I couldn't help but join in, because even though I was happy for Sav and Calum, it also seemed like the most unsuitable couple ever. But who knows, maybe that's exactly what both of them need.

We actually managed to play guitar this time and he actually showed me something. I've had this weird habit that I wanted to play it exactly like them. So, if there was a Bm chord and they play it differently than the usual pattern, I wanted to know it. 

"Why does it look like Michael's running up and down the fret board with literally every song? He's changing every chord and I never could get it right while watching him." 

"I don't know, I mean it looks cool. But other than that, maybe the chord changes are somehow easier? I'm glad I can just stick to the first 5 frets while singing, it's really easier. But he doesn't have to sing that often, so maybe it's just because he is able to?" 

"It does look cool.", I confirmed. I didn't really look at the time while we were there, so I was a bit surprised when it got darker, and I saw the sun setting. We agreed to stop there, I had enough songs to last weeks until I could play them, and we both were tired. 

"Want to go for a sunset swim?", Luke asked suddenly, and I turned to him grinning. We quickly discarded our clothes, and I was glad I had put a bikini underneath my clothes. We left our guitars there, hoping they'd still be there when we got back, and ran towards the water. I immediately ran inside, letting myself float on my back, and looked up at the sky changing into the most beautiful colors. I could stay here for hours, just watching the sky, observing the sun setting, fading away, making space for the night and the stars. Luke seemed to have other plans though, because I suddenly felt him pull me under water, and I instinctively closed my eyes. I rose to the surface and glared at Luke. 

"I was peacefully floating and observing the sky. What made you think I would want to be pulled underwater?", I asked, still trying to act mad at him, but failing and laughing loudly when I saw his worried face. I would have liked staying there but I wasn't that much of a party killer and I loved water and diving and anything really, so I couldn't be mad at him, for joking around. We stayed in the water for a bit more until the sun was already gone and the sky changed into a beautiful blue. I've always loved taking pictures during the so-called blue hour, which means the time right after the sun set and before it rises. It's honestly the most amazing light. We got our towels, and I put my sweatshirt back on as it was getting chilly already.

Luke had done the same but walked back to the water, letting it wash over his feet. I took out my phone and took a picture of him, his back facing me, the blue sky, and the ocean. We were practically the only ones left here, except for some elderly couples. I looked down at my phone and saw a few missed calls and unread messages from Ashton. I opened WhatsApp, curious what could be so important, and couldn't really believe what I saw. I mean I had expected it sooner or later, but not like this. I looked up at Luke, still standing there, looking at the ocean, only wanting peace, which I had to disturb now. I walked over to him, stopping next to him, and handed him my phone, with Ashton's messages opened. I watched him skim over it and saw his expression change from confusion, to hurt, sadness and finally worry. 

"We should get home. Prevent more pictures from surfacing.", he stated quietly, and I nodded, knowing he was right. We hadn't been here for half a day, and there were pictures and headlines, asking if I was his new girlfriend or switching it up and changing between the boys every few days because I had been seen with Ashton so often already. Some headlines were stating how I only used them for their fame, to become a photographer or use their money. They had been so quick to come up with these stories. I didn't even want to think about what could happen if they had the time to actually research and find out about the record store.

We packed up our stuff and walked back to his car in silence. We loaded everything in, and he started the car, ending an otherwise perfect day in worry. 

"Do I drop you off at yours or Ashton's?", Luke asked, and my first instinct was to say Ashton, but we both had to be awake tomorrow and even though I wanted nothing more than to talk to him all night about this, we shouldn't risk another sleepy morning. 

"He can handle no sleep, you know that. Tomorrow's Friday anyway, rehearsals aren't that serious on Fridays, and you only have until noon in the store.", Luke said, proving to me once again how well he already knew me. 

"Then Ashton's.", I replied quietly, and he nodded, soon pulling over and parking his car in the driveway. I got out, rang the doorbell, and looked behind me, to see him waiting in his car until Ashton opened the door, raising his hand to wave at Luke and pulling me into his arms. 

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