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Ashton's P.O.V.

"5 Second of Summer are BACK with their new song COMPLETE MESS! And we're gonna listen to it right here and right now! Stay tuned!", the radio host announced and the four of us cheered. Hearing our songs on the radio was still crazy to us. We don't write with that intention but it's still nice, especially if that song is somehow connected to the girl I love and was made solely by us four. I was more than proud of what we had created and seeing it being so well received is a dream come true, even after all these years. 

We were allowed to leave shortly after and got back into the car. We've started promo again, so that meant hopping from one interview to another, trying to not always say the same things when asked the same questions over again. It still was fun. I get to do this with my four best friends, we make money by talking about the things we love. I'm not complaining. Still, I'm glad interviews have revolved around music only these days. I would talk about Hazel, the fans know her as my girlfriend and I never get sick of talking about her, but I'm still happy they seem to ask about what's important right now, and that is the new music.

We arrived back at Luke's, still having a few Zoom calls on our schedule. We'd split up in pairs for those, trying to get more done in less time. Those were a lot more fun, so the time flew by really fast and before I knew it, I was back in my car, on the way home to Hazel. I hadn't seen her all day. When I left this morning, she was still asleep, and as it had been 5am I didn't want to wake her up, so I was quite anxious to finally see her again. Can't help it that I'm head over heels for the girl.

"Hazel?", I asked, opening the door to the house, and she called back from the living room. I quickly took off my shoes and jacket, and joined her on the couch, kissing her shortly. 

"How was your day?", I asked, wrapping my arm around her, while she cuddled into my side, eyes on the screen where some talk show was on. 

"Boring. Did some editing but besides that, nothing exciting. I did go for a short run. What about yours? Lots of interviews?", she replied, sounding a bit sad. 

"Yeah, and more to come. Tour is getting closer and we gotta get the LA interviews done until it starts. But I actually have a day off on Friday and you might want to get your concert outfit ready.", I hint, trying to keep a straight face. Between interviews I had scrolled through the local concerts that would be happening the next two weeks and there was one that definitely caught my eye, and I was more than happy when I saw there were still tickets available. 

"What do you mean? You guys don't have a concert here, do you?", she asked confused. 

"Nope, we aren't doing concerts until the tour starts.", I replied, getting up to grab my phone, pulling up the tickets they had mailed me. I hold the phone out to her; she looks at it shortly and immediately starts smiling. 

"This is amazing, I didn't know they're playing concerts here! The vinyl you bought the day we met; I can't believe we're seeing them live. Thank you, Ashton!", she exclaims, hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her back, pulling her even closer. 

"I'm glad the surprise worked. Saw them during break and I couldn't help myself. Arctic Monkeys are sort of what got us started.", I explained, still holding her close. I've missed having her in my arms, just breathing in her scent, holding her close, feeling her heartbeat against my chest.


'And you really got tickets for Arctic Monkeys? Now I'm jealous.", Luke says, while we get comfortable in his studio. Now that the album was finished, finally writing just for fun and because we didn't know it any other way. 

"Yeah, I mean I saw them online, and it was the vinyl I bought when we first met. It just felt like I had to, you know?", I explained, sipping my coffee, while positioning the old and rusty acoustic guitar we used for writing purposes, on my lap. 

"No, you're right, I get it. Damn, I really have to find myself a girl, don't I?", he asked laughing, and I knew he was desperate, but forcing it wouldn't end well, and he realized that. 

"Sierra is in town, why don't you call her up? Didn't you enjoy spending time with her, when we went to that festival once?", I suggested, remembering she had told me that she'd be in LA for the next weeks. 

"Yeah, I did...", he replied hesitantly, and I raised my eyebrow, waiting for him to explain what the matter was. 

"She's your best friend, wouldn't that make things weird?" 

"Why would it? It's literally the best that could happen, two people I know and love getting together? Just call her dude, got nothing to lose there. Even if it doesn't work out, you'll gain a friend." 

"Yeah, you're right, I'll call her later, ask if she's down to get coffee or something.", he said, sighing. 

"There you go! Just think about it, if it works out, Crystal and the rest of the guys know her and you definitely won't have to be scared of us approving like I was with Hazel.", I joked, remembering that first time when she had been so anxious to meet them. 

"There wasn't really any room to disapprove. You were the happiest I've ever seen you, even if we wouldn't have immediately liked her, we really couldn't have said anything.", he admits, making me smile appreciatively. 

"Go call her now. I know you'll back out if you don't do it now." He laughed at it, but agreed nonetheless, getting up to call her.


"God, I can't believe we're here right now! I haven't been to any concerts except yours and definitely never with you.", Hazel exclaimed, almost jumping up and down in excitement. She had been hyper all evening, getting ready for the concert, singing along (out of tune) to their songs. It was a lovely sight, one I never wanted to miss again.

The concert was amazing, although I mostly watched her enjoy the songs. Cliché, I know, but I couldn't help it. Seeing her so carefree, just enjoying the moment, the music and being in a room full of people that loved the same music as us, it was inexplainable. When we left the arena, she was still bouncing up and down, her hand tightly wrapped in mine, pulling me to the merch stand, and I knew I'd buy her anything, she'd just have to say the word. 

A.N.: one more chapter left, it won't be this long again until the last update, I'll try to get it up by Tuesday xx 

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