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We walked inside and were greeted with lots of noise. I looked at Luke questioning, and he just shrugged and motioned for us to go outside as well. The music was turned up, right now playing 'You're gonna go far kid' by The Offspring, and Michael, Calum and Sav were jumping around, playing air guitar, and shoving each other into the pool. Basically, they were acting like little kids, and I loved the sight of Sav getting along with them so quickly. 

"Luke, how long has Sav been here?" 

"About an hour maybe, the boys have been a little longer. You two were a bit late, but I figured you were together, I saw Ashton's story. Quite brave." 

"Yeah, we went for a walk, and it took a bit longer than planned. They seem to get along?", I replied, and walked back inside to get something to drink, Luke following behind, and Ashton staying outside, watching the chaos unfold further. 

"Instantly. Especially Calum and her which I did not expect, he's usually not so outgoing around new people, but damn, he opened up fast with Sav."

"That's her. She has that kind of effect on people. I think Ashton isn't particularly fond of her though, he met her back at the record store.", I said, while opening the fridge, taking out a can of coke. 

"Oh, give him time. He's not one to not like someone, he'll come around." 

"I guess so, yeah." 

"Want me to show you the studio? Ash told me you were really interested in his.", he asked, and I nodded, excited to also see where his solo work came to life. I followed him upstairs and he opened a door at the end of the hallway, letting me inside first. 

"Okay, so I've seen this before on pictures, streams etc. but it's even more classy in reality. I would never bought this wallpaper, but it looks so good combined with the picture frames and the couch and everything. A bit dreamy too." 

"Thank you.", he said, smiling, and sat down on the couch, handing me his Gibson guitar. 

"How did you know I've always wanted to play it?", I asked, taking it from him, and sitting down on the chair across from him. 

"I guessed it. I wasn't that hard, and I get it. I love this guitar as well; it has something special no other has. Now play me something nice.", he said, and leaned back, waiting for me to play. 

"Weren't you the one who wanted to show me more strumming patterns?", I scoffed, but placed the capo on the first fret anyway. I took a guitar pick from my pocket and started strumming the familiar chords to 'Give Me Love' by Ed Sheeran, adding a little twist here and there.

"Want to know why I learned this in the first place? I mean, besides it being an amazing song." 


"A few weeks back I came across yours and Calum's cover on YouTube, people were retweeting it, because it's been 9 years, I believe. It sounded really nice how you were playing it, and I thought, if little Luke could do it, I could to, and learned it." 

"Did you just call me little? I'm like 2 heads taller than you." 

"9 years ago, you were smalla than a bug.", I replied, trying to contain a serious expression, but failing miserably when I saw his face. "Sorry.", I breathed out, still laughing. 

"I know I've asked this before, but you and Ashton, what's going on?"

Luke and I were still sitting in his studio, door closed, me playing around on his guitars, keyboards and letting him show me how to work a synthesizer. His question was meant to be casual, but it made me stop my movements, and avoid looking at him. 

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