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Once word had gone around about you and Katsuki holding hands, it eventually made its way to Shoto. At first he had tried to act as if it wasn't a big deal and it didn't bother him.

But once he had gone back to his dorm room alone, the anger and jealousy was slowly chewing away at him. He couldn't believe you agreed on another date, he couldn't even process the fact you ran back to Bakugou after crying about how much of an asshole he was.

He quickly grabbed his phone, typing out a lengthy message about how betrayed he felt and how embarrassed he was to even think you would want to go out on a date with him and when you read it, it did make you feel bad until Todoroki had went as far as to continue the nasty text messages, trying to convince you that Bakugou was only using you as a toy and something to fuck with when he's bored.

You knew that wasn't true but you were confused as to why Shoto was so bothered by this, why did he feel the need to go as far as to send nasty messages to you and be a dick about the fact you weren't going on a date with him anymore.

You stopped replying, you already felt bad enough for hurting his feelings and now he was making you feel more bad and it wasn't okay for him to do so. As your eyes scanned over the phone screen, reading the most recent and last message he'll send, it said:

'this shit isn't over yet.'

You didn't know what he meant by that, was he threatening you? You didn't know and it bothered you deeply to see just how upset he was over this. You glanced over at Katsuki who sat on your bed on his phone. You debated whether or not to tell him but would this send him off the deep end again? Would this push him away from you?

You were sure he didn't want to hear about it and if he did, he would either spark a fight with you or even go off to fight Todoroki and you didn't want either of those. You wanted things to be civil, to be peaceful and in order to do that, you knew you would have to go behind Katsuki's back and head to Shoto's dorm to talk to him alone to settle all of this.

You waited until he had left your room to go work out at the gym downstairs. He said his goodbyes, even went as far as to planting a quick peck on your cheek which made you feel more guilty for both parties.

Once he had disappeared in the elevator, you quickly put on your shoes and walked to the other side of the building where the boys dorms were. It didn't take long for you to find yourself standing outside Shoto's door, staring at it, debating whether or not to knock or just walk away and leave it alone.

You didn't want any problems, even if you were thinking toxic thoughts about the love triangle and even if you always end up starting shit, you didn't want things to get worse. Bakugou had already expressed himself plenty and you didn't want him go back track and lose all the progress he's made.

Eventually, you knocked on the door and waited there for what seemed like forever as your heart pounded so loud you thought he could hear it on the other side of the door. You fiddled with your fingers, looking down at the floor until you heard the door swing open, moving your head up to meet his cold eyes.

"What do you want?" He said plainly, not even phased with seeing you here and it made you more scared than before.

"I want to talk. Can we talk?" You were nervous and it made you want to just leave, why were you even here?

"Does he know you're here?" He asked, making you shake your head no and he started to chuckle lowly while opening the door wider for you to step inside which you did.

You glanced around the dark lit room, finding yourself sitting on his desk chair while he sat on the bed with his arms crossed, amused you would even come here especially without Bakugou and without telling him. He already knew bringing this up to him would cause an argument and maybe that's what he wanted.

"I just wanted to apologize."

"Apologize? It's kinda too late for that one."

"Is there anything I can do, Shoto? I hate to have you upset at me or hate me for what I did. I shouldn't have agreed to the date, I only did because I wanted to hurt him." You admitted, making his eyebrows raise at the confession.

"So you used me to get under his skin?"

"No, that's not what I'm saying."

"It sure as hell sounds like it." You huffed, standing up on your feet to ease up the nerves that were making your leg bounce up and down.

"No no, not at all. You are one of my best friends, I wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt you or your feelings." You were telling the truth, the plans you had came up with was idiotic and you had done it at a low point of wanting more from Katsuki, it was a mistake but Shoto wasn't falling for it.

"I don't believe any of the bullshit that comes out of your mouth. You're just like him, so quick to react and no time to use your brain and actually think shit through." You stopped to stare at him, feeling an ache in your heart at his words but he was right and you hated that.

Todoroki had stood up from his bed, stepping over to you until your body was trapped between his and the dresser behind you. You were now more nervous than before, you felt terrible and now that you were here- you definitely regretted coming here to talk knowing he wouldn't listen.

"You don't feel bad about a damn thing, the only thing you feel bad about is having your shit aired out." His hand had grabbed your chin to keep the eye contact locked in, making a lump form in your throat.

"Not at all."

"Tired of hearing your lies. I never want to see your face again and I'll make sure you regret dragging me into your fucking mess to make him jealous." Everything was rushing through your head, all of his words and all of the words you wanted to say but the scary dark look in his eyes made you want to hurry and leave his room.

His hand moved down to grab your upper arm and led you to the door of his room, opening it up for you and the both of you stopped to look at each other. He was disgusted at the sight of you. He was disgusted to think you two were close friends and he was disgusted to think that he could've made you happier than Katsuki but you were too dumb to see that.

"Get the fuck out and don't come back." He said calmly, making your eyes start to water and your feet step out of his room.

"I'm sorry, Shoto. I really am." You mumbled, keeping your back towards him as you walked down the hall back to your room.

The guilt had hit you harder than you thought it would. You were never really the type of person to feel such intense guilt but here you were crying about it. The tears streaming down your face knowing you had ruined such a good friendship just by lying to yourself about wanting to go on that date.

It was painful to go back to your room and lay in bed to think about it. The repeated knocks on your door of Katsuki calling you from the other side had you frozen still until five minutes had passed and he was still there. You eventually got up to unlock and open up the door, his red eyes meeting your puffy swollen ones from crying.

"Y/N?" He stepped inside and shut the door behind him. He was instantly worried, he had to think whether or not he had done something today to make you cry but he knew he hadn't.

"What's wrong? Is it me?" He asked, his fingers moving up to wipe the stray tears that slipped from your eyes.

"No.. no. It's a long story."

"I got time."

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