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A week had went by in an instant, the school week was boring and didn't really have anything interesting happen, just training upon training. It seemed almost too good to be true and it seemed a little too normal for UA.

But you decided to ignore it and act as if this was meant to be and you were now allowed to live like a normal teenager for a little bit but that would be cut too short way too soon.

On a random Sunday, something inside the villains hideout had happened. Their plans to gather you was a little more difficult than they thought and they wanted to come up with other plans to ensure the success of having you and your quirk.

Meanwhile coming up with this so called plan, Shigaraki had fallen into All For One and merged together as one almost, making his abilities much more stronger which is why he had gone back to his plan to get you and take your quirk.

But this time, however, they went back to their idea of Bakugou, how they've captured him before but was saved within a day or so. They wondered if gathering him would make you surrender but they also thought about other things.

The plan had excited Shigaraki to no end. His crazy thoughts were getting worse by the hour, his little voice in his head telling him all of these new sick and twisted ways to get back at the heroes especially these UA students.

The next day had flown by, they wanted to execute this as soon as possible. Luckily for them, Bakugou decided to head back to his home for dinner, only because his mom was forcing him to bring you over to finally meet his parents.

He had started the walk there alone while you were doing your training with Aiwaza. You had convinced Katsuki to go ahead without you so he can spend time with his parents considering it had been quite a while since he's seen them.

But he never made it to his home that night. Shigaraki had forced some of the villains to go swipe him up and bring him back. Of course he had put up a fight like he normally did but it wasn't long till one of the villains lodged a needle in his neck that forced him to go unconscious.

You didn't find this out until you walked up the steps in front of his house, ringing the doorbell and standing there with your hands behind your back. You glanced down at the silly floral dress you decided to wear, feeling shy and insecure about meeting your boyfriend's parents.

Once the door had swung open, you were met with his mother and she instantly squeezed you into a hug which caught you off guard, a small squeak leaving your lips. The death squeeze of a hug definitely reminded you of Katsuki.

"Hi! You must be Y/N." She smiled happily, looking over at how beautiful you looked and felt relieved that her son had found someone like you.

"Where's Katsuki?" She said right afterwards, looking around the porch and you stood there a little dumbfounded.

"He said he was heading over here 2 hours ago, he's not here?" You asked, watching her face scrunch up in confusion and shook her head.

"Maybe he's running late, come in."

An hour had went by then two as you sat inside of his childhood home and made awkward small talk with both of his parents but when the time ticked away and your calls were being sent straight to voicemail, you had a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach.

You decided to dismiss yourself and thank them for the dinner. You needed to go figure out where he was before it would drive you crazy. Your feet had walked down the sidewalk, taking the bus back to the dorms and asking your classmates if they had seen him.

No one has seen him since class today which was when the last time you saw him and when you went up to his room, opening the door since he left it unlocked for you half the time, you stared at the empty and clean dorm room.

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