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Flashbacks of the first time you had used your lava quirk against Dabi had appeared fresh in your mind, his voice echoing that's what I'm talking about and when those same words slipped from Bakugou's mouth, it made you angry.

The void inside of your heart, the emptiness that was placed there when they had taken him away from you 48 hours prior. The fact that he was also now being controlled by Shigaraki. Even though you couldn't prove the fact he had a chip, you knew he did.

It all made you so fucking angry.

You manipulated the lava, watching it ignite in your palm as you stared at his red eyes with your glowy ones. For the first time, you had held the lava in your palm without it melting your skin. All of the improvements you had made the last 6 months with your quirk has been something to be proud of but instead all you have been met with is suffering from the constant attacks from Shigaraki trying to steal your stupid quirk.

You sucked in a sharp breath, your feet rising off the ground and shooting the lava towards where he stood, in hopes he would dodge the attack because honestly, you didn't want to hurt him.

Luckily he did dodge it, blasting himself up and towards you as you created another giant rock wall between you two and started to rise higher until you were well at the top of the wall, standing at the very edge and watching him blast a hole at the bottom to get through.

Izuku had joined in, flicking him with his finger and watching his body go flying through a couple of walls in the building behind him. You flinched, knowing it had to hurt but the way he stood up with ease and without any emotion, it was another living proof that he had the chip in his head.

You used your wind part of your Earth quirk, creating a tornado effect and sending it his way which sent him flying in the air again then slammed down on the hard ground. You manipulated the ground, shaping the asphalt in a way where it wrapped about his arms and legs, pinning them down and wrapping a thick piece over his stomach.

You dropped down to the floor, walking to where he laid grunting and groaning. He was trying to squirm his way out but you twirled your fingers, tightening the grip around him. He stared at you with such hate that it terrified you.

"I fucking hate you. Wait till I get out of this." He muttered, spewing nothing but hateful words towards you, to trigger you and it was working.

"You're dead." He spoke again, making your mouth part open to say something but instead you started to laugh.

A loud laugh had erupted from your throat, tilting your head back and laughed in such a manic manner that it made him freeze in his spot, confused as to why you were laughing. Even your classmates, that stood around fighting off the nomus that Shigaraki sent, were glancing over at you worried.

"What the fuck is so funny?" He almost shouted at you, making you snap your head down towards him, your eyes glowing brighter if that was even possible at this point.

"Coming from the loser pinned down by rocks, you're sure still that cocky bitch I always hated." You whispered down at him, leaning down closer to his face to make sure he saw the seriousness in your eyes.

Sure, you were just playing along to his hateful words but you would admit you always hated his stupid cocky side when it came to fighting and using quirks. When it came to his cockiness in that aspect, it was something you could hardly stand but that wasn't the Bakugou you were now dating- he was different in a good way and it was almost like the chip implant turned him back to how he was when you first met him but 100x worse.

Bakugou watched you in anger, seeing the sweat gathered at your forehead. Now he hasn't practiced this new move often but he decided that now was the chance to. He used the sweat on you to cause an explosion and unfortunately for you, it worked.

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