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It had taken maybe another five minutes of making out in the bathroom to him kissing along your neck to him carrying you to your bedroom and kicking the door shut even though it really didn't matter at this point, no one was even in this large empty house.

He laid you down on your bed, hovering over you and connecting his lips with yours again. It was crazy for you to think how everything was swept away the moment he started to kiss you. The aching pain you felt, the guilt, the sadness, everything was thrown away just temporarily as you both laid in your bed.

One of his hands rested on the mattress beside your head while the other trailed down from your cheek to the hem of the top you were wearing as he pull away to pepper soft kisses along your jawline and down to your neck once more.

Everything had started to heat up in seconds, the tension was thick enough to choke on and the way he was kissing along the skin of your neck, you were sure you would grow weak in a matter of minutes but you had a hint of doubt in the back of your head.

You always were the type to overthink a situation so easily and even though he had told you straight to your face how he felt and confessed that he likes you, you still had some worry in your mind that maybe it was too good to be true. You couldn't really understand why your brain was like this.

Suddenly his teeth had latched onto your neck again, making you snap back into reality and soon his eyes looked down to meet with yours, a spark ignited in his red eyes as he stared at you fully.

"I would say sorry about the marks on your neck but I would be lying." He mumbled, making your hand fly up to your neck and trace your fingertips along the bite marks that were there.

"Right, we both know you did it on purpose." You trailed off, a smile appearing on your lips. The excitement igniting inside of you.

"Maybe." He cracked a small smile, leaning down to connect his lips with yours again and the hand that was gripping onto the hem of your shirt was soon slipping up underneath it.

Goosebumps started to rise on your skin from how gentle and slow his touch was, not wanting to make you uncomfortable and make it feel like he was pressuring you into something you didn't want but you had let his hand continue up your shirt until his large hand had grasped onto one of your breasts and squeezed onto it gently. The warmth of his hand was comforting and it had snapped you into a love sick daze.

Your mouth parted from the sudden touch, giving him an opportunity to slip his tongue inside of your mouth and he easily took over without much of a fight from you, swirling his tongue around the new space and brushing over yours.

The towel that was around his torso was barely hanging onto him, his movements and your legs being wrapped around him were sure to make it drop at any given moment but neither of you paid any mind to it, it didn't matter.

"Too fast?" He mumbled, pulling back just a few inches as his lips hovered over yours and you had opened your eyes to glance up at him.

It had given you a moment to lay there and really think while you stared at his face, your hand reaching up to caress his cheek and a soft sigh had left your lips, not a sad one but a content sigh. You had felt the heavy weight of everything lift off your shoulders and you were afraid that it'll come back once the moment here ends.

So you had shook your head no, the swarm of butterflies you felt in your stomach were more than enough to have that boost of confidence to go a step further with him even if it would be considered too fast or something that shouldn't happen during this time but you didn't care, you weren't thinking about anything else.

Your eyes had remained on his, the soft look that sparkled within his eyes had made you feel warm and fuzzy feeling. It made you feel comfortable and it made you feel like you were doing the right thing with being here with him, you couldn't explain it- it just all felt right for once.

Bakugou had searched your eyes, maybe to find a hint of doubt or fear behind them but he couldn't find any. He had nodded at you, sitting up above you and sliding the top up your body before tugging it over your head and down on the bedroom floor.

"You sure?"

"Yes, Katsuki- jesus." You couldn't help the giggle that slipped past your lips at how cautious he suddenly was- he had never acted like this to you before.

He hated to be so caring and worried about you but when it came to stuff like this, he didn't want to seem like a complete asshole who would take advantage of you, that's not like him. He needed to be sure, to be positive that you wouldn't see him a complete tool, as some fuck boy that wanted his dick wet.

He didn't care if he was seen as a jerk or someone who is an asshole but not in a way where he'll be viewed as someone who cares too much about sex and girls, he was the opposite.

You had seen him thinking too much, causing you to flip the both of you on your bed. You straddled his lap and leaned down to grab his chin and place one hard kiss on his lips, giving him some reassurance- some hint of confidence.

"You're thinking too much." You mumbled on his lips, pulling back and keeping the tight grip you have on his chin, a small smirk on your lips.

"Or maybe you're just too scared." You said under your breath, teasing him like you did those weeks ago in his dorm when you teased him about being too scared to kiss you.

This had ignited another fiery look in his eyes as he raised his eyebrows in amusement, amused you would think of him as some scared wimp. You knew he was the opposite of that but he was too much in his own head half the time fighting with himself because he didn't want to give in to those soft and gushy feelings he's been trying to ignore for months.

"Keep testing me and you'll be begging for me to touch you." He said so causally, not even batting an eye as he stared at you with a serious expression on his face, making your heart almost drop to the pit of your stomach, almost throbbing at the thought of it.


"You don't think I'll do it?" He asked, trying to hide the smirk that was evident on his face and you shrugged your shoulders.

"I know you will but you say it like it's a bad thing." You tilt your head, feeling his hand grab onto your wrist of the arm that was gripping his chin and started to sit up on the bed with you on his lap.

A lump had started to form in your throat again when you were pressed back against his lap fully and could feel his bulge through the material of the towel, making you grow nervous yet excited at the same time. The adrenaline pumping through your veins had almost made you pounce on him like some wild animal but you kept yourself back in place.

His hand had moved around your back, unclipping your bra in one swift move, letting him drag it down your arms and throw it aside without even blinking. He tucked his fingers in the waistband of the sweats you wore, dragging you closer to his body if that was even possible.

You were already close enough and now your bare chest was pressed against his, feeling his breath fan over your face and you moved your eyes up to look at him, the butterflies in your stomach making you feel almost sick.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

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