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Everyone had finally made it back just as it was sunset and Aizawa was quick to give off more instructions and even separated the class into groups.

You were assigned with Kirishima, Sero and Ashido which you weren't complaining about, you had gotten along with them perfectly fine.

The four of you went into the woods, looking down at the piece of paper of the map that you were handed.

"This map is so confusing, how are we going to make our way around here?" You complained, staring at it before Kirishima had taken it from your hands.

"Let me give it a try."

Time flew by, it felt like hours of being out here and the four of you were completely lost and instead of even trying to do anything, you made it into a fun little adventure.

Until there was explosions being heard in the distance and it made all of your eyes shoot towards the explosion.

Aizawa had made it well known to not use any quirks during this project but someone clearly wasn't listening.

Suddenly there was blue flames burning down the trees from afar, the scent of fire and the glimpses of the blue was shown in the distance and it was coming closer and closer to where the four of you stood, the sight of a random tall man walking towards you. You couldn't make his face out at first until he had gotten closer.

"Hey there, little mouse." His voice was deep, his eyes burning through you and the smirk on his face wide, sending chills down your spine.

You knew it was directed towards you but the confusion on your face, you didn't know who he was or why he was talking to you but by the flames that followed him, it wasn't good.

He raised his hand, shooting the blue flames at the other three students and you had looked back your friends, things were going too fast and the four of you had ended up running in completely different directions without paying much attention to the fact you were being separated.

Your heart raced, running through the woods as fast as you can as the wind rushed through your hair and on your face. Your breathing had picked up, finding a place to settle in a bush to relax and catch your breath before you had to run away again. The blue flames weren't that far from where you are, growing closer as the air around you was getting rather hot, making the sweat drip down your face.

You covered your mouth, almost jumping from the voice in your head coming from one of the pros to use your quirk to your advantage, to protect yourselves. It was a warning that these were villains which answered the question in your mind on who the mystery guy was but the question remained on why he was after you in the first place.

"They're villains, use your quirk if needed and return to the campsite!"

Your eyes widen, snapping out of your thoughts when you heard twigs breaking in the distance, seeing the same villain walking down the dirt path, creating a low whistle as his heavy feet stomped on the dirt path below, making his presence known.

"Come on out, little mouse. I just want to have a little fun with you." He chuckled, bringing a flame up on his charred hand and kept walking painfully slow.

You had sucked in a breath, holding it in to stay as quiet as you can, you didn't want to be caught in a bush, you didn't want to get caught at all. You looked down at your hands, you could easily make the ground tremble beneath you but that would put others at risk. You could use water for his flames? That would work but the nerves were starting to get to you.

You can easily burst out the ground, use your lava. There were a lot of options running through your head until you had felt the heat of his flames burning the woods around you and it was a now or never moment. You didn't want to be cooked here.

Using your water, you had it splash out in multiple directions, taking out as much fire as you can and his eyes had met yours.

"Finally, I was beginning to think I scared you off." He smirked, making you cringe by the look of his face and the way he stared at you in the way that he was.

"If you have a death wish, just say that." You had taken all your energy to pull up gallons of water and throwing it in his direction.

"I want to see that lava quirk of yours." He chuckled, using the flames to easily guard himself and your eyes widen slightly.

What does my lava quirk have to do with this?

"Attention students, it's urgent to collect Y/N, the villains are here for her." You heard in your ear and you stopped, staring at the villain in front of you as the second question was finally answered, they're here for you.

Me? What do I play in this?

Meanwhile on the other side of the woods.

Bakugou had been with some of the students that he was paired with and once he heard his quirk can come into play, the evil grin appeared on his face and he didn't hesitate to use his explosions to his advantage with the villains that came in his path.

He had ran around, blasting whatever villain had tried to grab onto him, not knowing they were also here for him.

But once he heard the recent message replaying in his mind, he had stopped in his tracks and left his classmates to run through the woods. Looking for you was now his first priority.

"Bakugou, we can't separate!" Todoroki shouted after him but he was already long gone through the bushes and trees, out of complete sight of his classmates eyes.

Along the way, he had ran into Kirishima, Sero and Ashido- the three you were paired up with but you were nowhere in sight. This made him angry, the thought and realization of them leaving you to defend yourself made him boil inside.

"Where is Y/N?" He simply asked, they stayed quiet and he could feel the rage coursing through his veins.

"There was a villain, we got separated, we barely just ran into each other now but she's still somewhere nearby." Kirishima said, scratching the back of his neck, he could see how angry Bakugou was.

"Did you idiots not just hear the fucking announcement? They're here for her and you three are sitting around playing catch up?" He practically shouted in their faces, making the guilt wash over them instantly.

"Bakugou we," They tried to reason and tell him that it wasn't their fault but he raised his hand up, cutting them off.

"Forget it, point me in the direction where you came from." He mumbled, knowing there isn't much time here to chat.

"It's not a good idea to go." Kirishima had rested his hand on top of his shoulder but he was quick to shrug it off, giving him a cold stare.

"Point." He simply said, making him point towards the direction where the blue flames were.

Bakugou had turned away, walking in that direction and leaving the three kids to shout towards him that he shouldn't get involved, he shouldn't be alone but he blocked it all out.

This was the second time he would be saving your ass but he couldn't help the urge to run after you.

There was something captivating, something pulling him in your direction and he hated it and as much as he tried, he couldn't keep his feet still.

As you stood in front of the villain, soon finding out his name was Dabi when another villain came into view and stood in front of you. You were still rather confused but you knew you had to stay on guard, you knew you had to protect yourself.

You didn't want to do it, you didn't want to use the lava they desperately wanted to see but you were in a situation where you're fighting off two villains, you needed to get away and only focus on yourself even if that meant losing control again.

Your defensive mode was soon automatically activated, the ground splitting up beneath your feet and the lava had blasted up in an instant, the full control of your lava had you feeling confident this time.

Their eyes shot up at the sight of the glowing liquid, almost in awe of it and you took that chance to shoot it towards them but they were far too good at their job, it wasn't hard for them to dodge it.

"Now we're talking,"

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