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The statement had stunned you. It had made you pull away from the hug, swiping your tears away from your cheeks and look up at him, making eye contact.

"What?" You said quietly, barely above a whisper as the boat swayed and the water splashed against the boat you two sat in.

"I do want you to be my girlfriend." He said again, with a little more confidence than before.

The small sparkle he saw in your red tear filled eyes gave him that push that he needed to say it again. His hands had cupped your cheeks, wiping the remaining tears that slipped down your cheeks.

The both of you grew silent again, both of staring at each other right in the eyes as your stomach slowly began to fill with butterflies. You were still upset and sad and embarrassed but the confession he let slip out of his mouth made you feel genuinely happy, something you haven't felt in a while.

"Is that you asking me?" You finally spoke, curious if he meant what he said.

"I wanted to ask you the right way but seems like every time we try to do something right, it backfires." He started to say.

"But you know, everything feels right with you no matter what really happens." You slowly nodded at what he was saying, it was the truth.

It grew silent again, as if he was pondering on something or as if he was hesitant on saying what he wanted to say. It made you a bit nervous, sniffling your tears away as you placed your hands in your lap.

As he opened his mouth to say something, a loud whistle was blown from afar at the shoreline. It startled the both of you, making you turn your heads towards that direction and see Aizawa standing there with a unamused look on his face.

He waved his hand, gesturing for the both of you to come in. A soft sigh leaving your lips at the moment being swiped away under the rug like usual but Katsuki didn't feel that way, it gave him room to plan on asking you the right way by taking you out on a real date, one that you deserved to be on.

You both paddled back to the shore, taking the lifejacket off and tossing it on the ground by the boat. All the students had stood by the tents, making it feel awkward when you two came last and stood by your tent.

"I know I said stress free weekend but I do want to provide some exercises only for you guys to bond and come together as a team. This class is a team, a pack, and I want you to take it seriously. Communicate, have fun, work together." Aizawa spoke, standing in the middle of the area.

"I put together a scavenger hunt. Your partners will be random by simply picking a name out of this bowl."

Great. You thought to yourself, you knew that with your luck you would end up getting someone you didn't really want to work with but that was obviously the point here, to work with everyone.

"I have more exercises so by the end of the weekend you would have worked with everyone 1 on 1 then the final exercise is as a team." You grunted under your breath at the thought of doing this.

Bakugou had felt the same way. He hated to work with other people and he was also more so worried about you because of the current headspace you were in. He was worried you would be out of it.

As the class walked up, it was divided in a way where only half the class chose the piece of paper so it can be even. You weren't chosen to pick a paper but Bakugou was. He had hoped he would magically pull your name but he knew it wasn't going to happen.

"Ashido." Bakugou mumbled with a harsh attitude under his breath, making eye contact with you before standing next to her.

It didn't bother you as much as it bothered him, mainly because you knew he needed to work on his communication with others but it bothered you on who you could be partnered with. You had zoned out as names were being called until you heard your name.

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