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When the next day rolled around and the sun started to shine in the room, you stirred for a moment as your brain pounded against your skull. You grunted, bringing your hands up to rub your eyes and swipe away the crust out of them. Once you had adjusted to the light, you fully opened your eyes and glanced around the room.

You noticed you weren't in your room then the memory of Bakugou helping you last night had entered your mind. The room was empty and he was nowhere in sight but you seen his pillow and blanket neatly folded on the desk beside the bed. You debated whether or not to leave before he got back but the pain in your body said otherwise.

But you spoke too soon anyways because the bedroom door had flung open, revealing the familiar blonde in nothing but sweats and t-shirt, holding a tray of food and drinks. When his eyes connected with yours, he gave you this painful awkward look. It wasn't a smile and it wasn't a happy expression.

"I didn't think you would be awake so early." He admitted, kicking the door shut and setting the tray down on the desk.

"Well, you have the sun shining way too much in here." You mumbled, looking over at his basic curtains while you had blacked out ones.

"Sorry." He laughed awkwardly, adjusting the curtains a little bit before sitting down on the desk chair.

"Do you want to tell me how I ended up here last night?" You couldn't exactly remember, the only part you did know was you throwing up and him wiping your face clean.

You didn't even remember the angry conversation the two of you had before you ended up going to sleep. Maybe your mind went in defensive mode or you were just too drunk to remember.

"About that." He scratched the back of his neck, sucking in a deep breath as he grabbed one of the plates off the tray.

It wasn't his best work but he decided to try to make you some pancakes with eggs, bacon and sausage. He rested it on the bed in front of you with a fork and a container of syrup. He then had a bottle of orange juice he knew that you liked, resting it on the bed as well with the cap still screwed shut.

"Get to eating first." He urged you to eat, grabbing a bottle of pain killers and handing you 2 of them to help with your hangover.

"Thanks." Was all you could really say, you still felt awkward and you know he did too.

"Last night, you got pretty drunk again." He waited till you started to eat to speak up about what had happened even though he didn't want to speak about the events.

"When I came back from the bathroom you were gone and I just had this weird feeling. I knew you didn't go back to the dorms, not alone when you were blacked out drunk because every time you did get to that point, I was always the one who carried you back." He admitted, seeing you turn to look over at him with both of your eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Anyway, that's not the point. I asked the two bozos you hang out with and they were too drunk to even care where you went. Denki said that kid Damian carried you out of the room and something told me that he took you upstairs so I went up there and I checked every room until I came across his. The door was locked and I could hear you on the other side saying no." Bakugou was slowly growing angry again, his right leg bouncing up and down as he sighed to himself.

You stared at him after you stopped taking bites, your chest tightening at where this story was leading to. You could see the anger written across his face and the way his leg bounced and it made your chest hurt even more. It was definitely a wake up call slamming against your head at what you did last night.

"I almost kicked down the door but he eventually opened it after I kept pounding. I noticed you passed out on his bed, your shirt was pushed up right under your bra and I just.. I lost it. I beat his ass and I couldn't stop myself until you said something." He cleared his throat, shaking his head to get out of his thoughts and memories.

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