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The blue flames had washed up before you, making your eyes wide and your face glow from the bright light of the lava and flames, forming together and creating just destruction, taking out all of the tress and bushes, creating a burnt path.

Bakugou had ran through, throwing explosions towards Dabi and the other villain, knocking them to the ground. Your eyes had shot towards where he stood, in absolute shock that he was here and that he was fighting off these villains for you, for your safety. It was definitely something you couldn't process right away.

"Katsuki, what are you doing here?! They said to go back to camp." You had shouted at him, feeling his hand grab yours and he yanked you further in the woods to bring you with him out of harms way while the villains were processing the blast that sent them a good distance away.

"Just shut up and come on." You looked down at his hand then turned around to see both of the villains getting up from the ground and turning their attention to both of you.

"They're both together, come here, it'll be easier to catch both." You heard one of them say into the phone and your head shot back towards Bakugou, the realization hitting you like a bag full of bricks, your mouth parting open in surprise.

"They're here for us," You mumbled under your breath, your mind running rapidly at the thought of villains wanting the both of you. Why did they want you both? You couldn't answer that even though you wanted to but it was throwing you in for a loop.

"What?" He asked you, suddenly changing his direction and running through the bushes that were scratching the both of you up on your arms but it wasn't important to pay any attention to.

"I heard them, they said they're here for both of us and now we just made ourselves a easier target because we're together!" You abruptly stopped and snatched your hand out of his, the worry washing over you, the panic rising. You knew you both had to separate immediately.

"We need to split up." You spoke again but in a quieter tone, looking around the area just in case they were nearby but it was dead silent.

"No, are you an idiot? You'll get yourself caught for sure." Bakugou half shouted at you and you sighed, staring up at his eyes. You didn't know what to do but you knew it wasn't safe to be with each other.

"We can't just run around together, all the villains are meeting up to get us both! We need to separate." Your worried eyes had looked around again, making sure that no one was following them as the anxiety filled your body completely.

"I'm not leaving you, dumb ass. Now come on." He simply said, grabbing your arm but you stayed still, tearing from his hold again.

"Bakugou, you know this is a bad idea." You muttered, the sweat making pieces of your hair stick to your forehead.

"I didn't ask you if it was. It's the only logical idea we have, our quirks together can easily take down those weak villains." You scoffed at his words, shaking your head repeatedly, of course he wanted to fight, that's all he ever wants to do.

Bakugou had heard voices in the distance, pulling you behind a bush with him and slapped his hand over your mouth, shushing you. He knew they were probably coming and he was slightly irritated because if they kept running they would've been a good distance away from them.

Your eyes burned into each other's as the voices grew closer, he watched the look on your face change, the fearing washing over your eyes and he shook his head warning you to keep quiet. He kept his hand in place over your mouth with his finger up to his lips.

He broke eye contact to look through the leaves, watching both villains walk by and down the direction you two were going to go.

His eyes met yours again, removing his hand and he took a deep breath as you leaned back against the tree, releasing a breath out in relief.

"We can't split up." He said quietly, his mind set on sticking together and you slowly nodded your head, agreeing with that fact that maybe it won't be safe to separate.

"Fine, what are we going to do then? What is Kacchan's brilliant idea?" You said sarcastically, still worried about the idea of staying together.

"We'll try to go back to the campsite but I can't promise we won't get caught up and forced to fight. You just need to stick with me." He said, standing up and walking out slowly with you trailing behind him, his hand on your upper arm until he let go.

He gestured you to follow him as he jogged through the woods and you tried your best to stay close to him, your breathing heaving as your feet grew tired. You hated to exercise but this was definitely the most exercise you've gotten in the last few days.

Bakugou had abruptly stopped again, making you run into his back from not paying attention to what was in front of you and just as you were about to yell at him, you heard the villains familiar voice from in front of Bakugou.

"Nowhere left to run." The sinister laugh left his lips and you turned your head to see a villain behind you, making you gulp. Now this is what you were worried about, this moment right here.

"Bakugou," You started to say, making his head tilt down to you as you stood behind him and he nodded his head signaling to use your quirk.

He was quick to blast an explosion near Dabi while the other villain had tried to snatch you up as quick as possible, making you break apart the ground and threw the large piece of rock towards him, watching him get knocked down but instantly got back up.

You knew how this was going to end, Bakugou just didn't want to believe it. He was too cocky and way too confident to think about the fact they'll both be caught here today and it was an uneasy feeling in your stomach.

Everything had gone by fast, suddenly Midoriya had popped out of nowhere and was going into overdrive with his quirk, his body beyond beaten up but he kept pushing, desperate to save you. Todoroki wasn't far behind him, somewhat helping the both of you fight the villains.

The same villain from that attack weeks ago had used his warping quirk to come collect the villains once they started to panic from the amount of power all four students held and in the distance hearing more students start to run towards them along with some heroes.

"Dabi, let's go." One of them said and the one with the blue flames stared at you with a smirk, wanting to be successful in catching you.

His movements were swift, his flamed up hand instantly holding Bakugou by the throat and was holding out his other hand to warn the other students. If he couldn't get to you, he would definitely get to Bakugou.

You couldn't believe how fast everything was going and how just by a blink of an eye, Bakugou was being pulled into the portal and you moved your feet to run towards them. You knew you probably weren't going to make it but you had to at least try to. He gave you that sad look, shaking his head at you.

"You idiot, stay back." He said to you as the portal closed in front on you, making you drop to the ground right where the portal disappeared.

Your breathing was heavy as you stared down at the dirt, the pain aching your body and the feeling of being a failure and not helping him weighed you down more. You had punched down on the ground, causing it to break apart and open up slightly beneath you. The anger and sadness mixing together inside of your chest was suffocating.

You moved your head down, the tears stinging your eyes and the overwhelming feeling washing over you to the point where you were slowly having a panic attack, your breathing uneven and your eyes started to blur like you were blacking out again.

The ground started to shake beneath you once more, the quirk screaming to be let out of your body was intoxicating and you hit the ground with your fist again, causing it to crack open even more to the point where it almost collapsed under you. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder, making the shaking stopped, bringing you back to reality.

"Y/N.." Todoroki started to say, seeing how badly you were taking this, seeing the guilt weighing heavily on your back.

"It was supposed to be me, not him." You cut Todoroki off, sighing as he slowly helped you off the ground, not wanting you to stay on the dirt.

"We'll get him back, you know that." He tried to assure you but you shrugged his hand off your shoulder, making your way back to camp by yourself.

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