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The weekend went by faster than you had hope because it was back to Monday and Aizawa had planned a trip for the students to go train off campus and at a different building.

Walking inside, class 1A was greeted by the pro hero Thirteen and for everyone being excited, you kept a straight face and dreaded about actually training today, you were drained enough from the weekend at Yaoyorozu's house and now it's back to training.

In the middle of the whole speech, you zoned out and looked around. You felt somewhat uneasy with the surroundings, looking over at Midoryia as his main focus was on the pro hero.

"I bet today's training is going to be awful, I can feel it." You mumbled towards him and he looked at you in disbelief like you were disrespecting Thirteen himself.

"I think it'll be great just by the two best pros being here." Of course Midoryia was happy and never sees the bad in anything.

You stayed quiet, not wanting to further the conversation and it's not like it would continue anyways because there was a sudden noise ringing throughout the whole arena and down below stood a crowd of villains.

Most of the students assumed it would be part of the exercise, that is until Aizawa told everyone to stay put and stay with Thirteen.

Everything felt like it was going at a rapid pace because one second a villain had came up to all the students with his warping quirk and started to battle with Thirteen. In a blink of an eye, most of the students were sucked up and tossed in multiple directions around the big training base.

The sudden fall to the ground had you groaning at the sharp pain in your back and you looked around at the dark area, only a few lights were around you and they were poorly dim.

You cursed under your breath at the situation at hand and now you were alone and had to find your way out to the rest of the students before the villains hunted you all one by one.

"We got ourselves one." You heard a deep voice say and you looked around to see where it was coming from but it was pretty dark to tell who it was.

"We'll definitely have some fun with this one." You heard another voice and soon four men had stepped out of the shadows and surrounded you in a circle.


"Now boys, I wouldn't assume you can easily beat me here." You smirked and raised your hands in front of you.

At least this is better than fighting robots

You sucked in a sharp breath, using your hands to break up pieces of the ground and began to throw them up and make it pour with large pieces of rock to strike them down.

Of course, the men were pretty good at securing themselves and dodging most of the hits and that made you try to pick up the power inside you and purposely make the ground beneath them shake abnormally, making them lose their balance and you took that opportunity to lunge at one, confidently jumping onto him and sending a strike to his jaw.

You kicked him down, grabbing a piece of Earth beneath you large enough to squish somebody as you threw it at the second guy.

In an instant while you were distracted, one of the guys managed to grab a hold of you and his quirk felt oddly strong to keep you in place and that made you panic.


Bakugou had landed somewhere completely different and his thoughts were running a million miles per hour as he thought of what was happening. It was too fast to process but he was pretty quick himself to easily fight off the villains who had tried to take him down.

He was getting cocky with his quirk and was practically exploding everything around him until all the villains were knocked out beneath his feet.

"What losers, can't even defeat a kid." He laughed under his breath, staying still as he looked around the area he was in.

Once his mind had finally processed everything, his first set of thoughts were of you. He knew your quirk was stupid and he had wondered if you even managed to beat off the villains if you even came across anyone.

He spoke too soon though.

Bakugou started to feel the ground beneath his feet shake terribly before abruptly stopping and he knew it was your quirk making you do that.

Why did it stop?

He thought to himself before suddenly hearing the loudest explosion he probably ever heard and that's coming from the guy who has an explosion quirk.

His eyes moved up to look at the sky as he saw a beam of lava shooting up in the air and his eyes went wide, his feet instantly moving to where it was coming from.

"Fuck," He mumbled, trying to blast his way closer to the source of the heat that was shooting up towards the ceiling.

He wasn't stupid, he knew it was you and he also knew you still don't have control of your lava quirk and that could mean one thing in his mind, you were spiraling out of control and most likely was blacked out, not knowing what you were doing.

You stood there, your arms stretched out and your head leaned back as the lava blasted around you, the heat was intense and it was practically burning your skin but you couldn't stop, you couldn't even come back to reality. Your screams echoed throughout the area you stood in, only feeling pain and agony in your body.

Bakugou got close enough to where he could see you and he looked around at the lifeless villains that were around you. There were at least more than ten of them and you were too blacked out to even realize more villains had came to try to battle you off but just ended up getting wiped out instantly.

"Y/N you idiot!" He screamed towards you as he started to watch your skin melt and burn painfully.

"Fuck," He started to think of ways he could get to you without killing himself but he knew it would be difficult considering it was lava.

Fuck it.

He thought to himself as he brought himself to run towards you, using his blasts to make him fly through and tackled you to the ground, the blast of lava stopping and falling back down into the Earth in seconds.

You laid there unconscious and his heart started to pound as he fully seen the shape you were in up close. If he had wasted anymore time, your skin would've been completely melted off your bones and he started to grow worried when you wouldn't wake up. The burns on your face and arms had looked painful enough to make him cringe.

In an instant he had scooped you up and ran towards the main entrance of the base, where Thirteen was and where All Might came blasting through.

Bakugou didn't pay any attention to the villains, to anyone. He was quick to take you up the steps and to where most of the pros were.

"She needs to see recovery girl!" He shouted and everyone's eyes had looked at you and almost screamed at the sight of you.

The pros were shocked to see that you were still breathing and one of them took you from Bakugou and left in seconds. He had stood there looking down at the small burn wounds he had on his arms from your lava but he didn't care too much about them and it was bearable.

"Listen, Bakugou, I think you should go see recovery girl too. Those burns look severe."

"I'm fine." He quickly said, moving his feet to take him outside where all the police officers and pro heroes stood while they took away most of the villains except the ones who organized this plan which was to kill All Might he later found out.

Time had went by and he was somehow in the Nurses office, sitting in the chair and watching you sleep on the bed.

He had shook his head, all he thought about was how stupid you were for not having control over that side of your quirk, it made him angry just thinking about it.

He knew that quirk could get you killed and look, it almost did and he was beyond pissed off about that.

But he stayed and continued to watch you sleep and watch Recovery Girl heal you bit by bit.

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