Bakugou had taken you straight to the dorms and to his room while the battle had continued outside. He didn't know what to do but he felt like this was the safest place considering you wrapped your lava around the campus, making it entirely impossible to escape.He put you on his bed, instantly falling down on the floor from how weak he truly felt. He leaned back to rest his head against the bed while sitting on the floor, groaning at just how much you had beaten his body up.
Minutes had passed by and all he could do is wait and listen to the fighting that was going on outside- that is until you started twisting and turning in his bed, making his eyes shoot up and soon they met yours as you sat up in his bed, your head pounding.
"I hope you aren't still thinking about killing me." He admitted, hoping that when he ripped out the chip from your head- you would go back to normal.
"What?" You asked, seeing all the cuts and bruises on his face then it had all clicked in your head.
A loud explosion was heard from outside, startling you and you quickly moved to look out the window and saw flames everywhere. It looked like a war zone was going on outside and you moved to look back down at Bakugou, his weak body limp against the bed.
"Are you okay?" You had sat on the floor in front of him, grabbing his face and tried wiping the blood off his skin with your fingers before he ended up swatting your hand away.
You had tried to ignore the throbbing and aching sensation shooting throughout your entire body as you looked over his beaten face, sighing under your breath.
"I'm fine." He lied, a moment of relief washing over him as he watched your current state, glad you were doing better than he was.
"Don't lie.. this isn't the first time I've hurt you with my quirk and.. I don't know." You started to feel the enormous amount of guilt hit you like a metro train going at high speed.
The way you started to slowly panic, pacing around his dorm room and quickly going inside the small bathroom to grab a wet cloth and return back to his side. You started to wipe his face, his eyes burning right through you as he listened to your rambling.
"I'm so sorry, maybe I'm not cut out to be enrolled in UA.. I feel like all I've brought is trouble over and over again."
"Hey, shut up." He rolled his eyes, not wanting to listen to your guilty sob story especially in the middle of all of this.
"Blame yourself again and I'll explode your ass."
It had went silent for a few minutes as the realization had hit you harder than it needed to. The few weeks that had passed of being under control and doing illegal stuff to please Tomura, it all started rushing to your head at a quick pace.
The flashbacks flooding your head, reminding you that you had injured people and the way that had crushed your heart, making your eyes instantly water at the thought. You felt horrible and felt like maybe you deserved to be locked away.
Bakugou had noticed how quiet you've gone after cleaning up his face and his eyes moved up to look at you as you zoned out in your endless amount of thoughts and noticed the tears streaming down your face.
"Y/N.." He said quietly at first, not knowing what to really do or what to say. He was never good at comforting or making someone feel better.
"I hurt so many people, I don't deserve to be here." You cut him off, your tear filled eyes moved to look at his and he felt guilty for the way you were feeling right now.
He had been feeling guilty since the day in the ramen shop, he felt like he had hurt your feelings and maybe if he wasn't so stupid to let you walk alone, maybe none of this would have happened.
He couldn't help the fact he had been blaming himself for a long time and had felt like he was at fault for you getting taken and you feeling like this.
He had reached over, his large rough hand caressing your cheek and using his thumb to wipe a tear off your skin as he stared up at you. He moved to sit up, feeling his body throb while doing so.
"You deserve to be here." Was all he could manage to say at the moment, the soft squishy feeling he had in the pit of his stomach was something he hated to feel when he was around you.
As both of you stared at each other for what felt like forever, another loud explosion was heard that had made the building shake beneath you and feel as if it was going to collapse at any given moment.
The small moment you two were sharing was cut short as you stood up and grabbed a hold of him, letting him lean some of his body weight on you as you tried to carry him out the door and down the hall.
"We need to get out of here before Tomura figures out I'm gone and before this place collapses down on us." You mumbled, looking up at him as he tried to walk on his own- which he could but every step was more painful than the last.
As you both got inside the elevator, hoping it'll work and move. You pushed the button and helped him lean back against the railing inside of it while it managed to move down to the ground floor.
Right as it hit the lobby floor, Bakugou had pushed the button to keep the doors closed and turned to look at you. He had a bad feeling and he didn't want to end up losing you again to any of the villains but his body wasn't in the best shape to fight if it came down to it.
"Hey, wait." He said, his voice growing quiet and suddenly his feelings had bottled up again, making him confused on what to say first.
"I didn't mean what I said back at the ramen shop that day." Was the first thing that came to mind, the guilt still replayed in his head and you glanced up at him.
"I know.. I know how you are, Katsuki. You're a locked book, hard to open and read but I know deep in there you are a good person and you do have feelings." The words you said had hit him a little deep inside the cold heart he had. Everything he felt when he was around you was new and was confusing but he always knew it was something he would want to feel over and over again.
"Maybe." He said, seeing the small smile appear on your face at his answer had made his heart pound inside of his chest, the guilt he felt slowly decreasing the more he stood here with you.
"You don't have to worry or feel guilty, it's not your fault, Katsuki." You admitted, reaching over to grab onto his hand and look down at his bruised knuckles, a soft breath leaving your lips while you brushed your thumb over it gently.
"If I wasn't acting like a fucking dick, you wouldn't be in this mess." He shrugged, reaching over and pushing the buttons to open up the doors and started to step out of the elevator on his own.
"Well now isn't really the perfect time to talk about all of it but just remember that it's not on you."
"Right.. maybe."
"I'm serious, Katsuki." You could see the pain behind his eyes and you could see that he had a lot of built up tension and guilt that he won't release.
"Let's just go find help."

❝Stars Aligned❞ » Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
FanfictionA new student enrolled into UA, one with abilities she cannot begin to fathom, abilities she never knew of and cannot control. As dangers lurk at every corner, the villains seeking the powerful quirk she possesses, she is just trying to get by and...