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from the last chapter I'm sure you guys know where I'm going with this. Hehe. I wanted some angst the next few chapters before I decide to chill the story out some more and give some cutesy lovey chapters. Anyways,

This chapter contains spoilers from the new season. Only one particular spoiler but I'm not going to write the spoiler word for word, just the idea of it then yeah. Beware for that and enjoy some sad chapters :p

In an instant the black dots in your vision increased to the point of no return, everyone's voices fading away besides Shigaraki's as he belittled you and said things that were causing you to shake in anger.

Once your vision had gone black, your eyes glowed once more, your feet slowly pushing off of the ground from the wind quirk. The lava started to gather in your palms, your eyebrows furrowed and your stare burying deep into his soul as if you can easily snatch it up and rip it apart.

"Let's not forget how much of a villain you truly are." He made the comment, the rest of the heroes standing on the sidelines as they tried to heal, tried to catch their breaths.

You flew forward towards him, using the wind to push you faster as you crashed into him, feeling his hands grab onto you and send the both of you up in the air where no one could reach you unless they had a flying quirk as well.

He had tried to grab onto your quirk but your boiling hot hands from the lava had burned into his skin, hearing his gurgling screams creep up his throat. You tried your best to melt away at his skin faster than his healing abilities but it seemed nearly impossible as his skin grew back in a mere second.

"You ruined everything for me." You muttered to him, wrapping both of your hands around his throat and sending the both of you down.

His back crashed into the concrete, splitting it open and still gripping onto his throat as the lava spilled out and covered his esophagus but he continued to laugh and treat you like a joke, something that was sending you more over the edge even though you were well over it at this moment.

Back to back you sent your quirk flying to his face, your fists colliding with him, your lava coming out, using the high pressured water, the wind, the rocks. Everything little thing you could possibly do, you were doing it until he finally had enough. At first he was letting you do it just for fun and for a laugh but he started to get angry at the blows.

He sent you flying back pretty hard, your body flying back until someone had grabbed onto your body and you looked back to see Katsuki staring at your red/orange glowy eyes. You were too out of it to really process the fact that he caught you to lessen the blow for you, you were far too angry and in a fit of rage to recognize that.

Bakugou knew that, he knew you had blacked out but he still wanted to protect you and let you do your thing without hurting yourself in the process.

"You okay?" He asked after the both of you had tumbled to the ground, your back against his chest as his back hit the concrete.

"I'm fine." You said plainly, getting up from his body and helping him up off the ground.

He could see your hands shake violently, he could feel your boiling hot palms which slightly burned him but not enough to make him wince in pain or cause any discomfort. He was slightly worried, he felt obligated to step in and try to protect you.

You turned back, looking at the heroes trying to fight him off and as you stood there shaking your hand on purpose to get rid of the shaking and the nerves that were sparked inside of them. You could see the heroes being thrown from left to right then suddenly you saw Bakugou blast himself towards the fight scene himself and sending blasts towards Shigaraki.

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