"If you want to get thrown around then go for it."Bakugou had an evil grin when you gave him your answer, lunging at you at full speed with the help of his explosions and you had used the ground beneath you to drag a piece up and hit him before he could make it to you.
He was knocked out of the air and onto his feet, growling at the sudden attack and his eyes met yours, almost like he was planning your death all in one second and sent a blast your way.
You jumped back at the last second, any longer and you could've been hit clean. You took the opportunity of him hesitating to make the ground beneath his feet shake, trying to make him lose his balance before blasting the ground up and sending him flying from afar.
He landed on his back, almost getting the wind knocked out of him. You took another chance, using the hole from the ground, you recently picked apart, you tried to gather as much water as you can feel under and blasted it towards him again, watching him get soaked in the water.
"I hope that cooled you off." You giggled at his hair being flat over his eyes and the anger he had was quick to almost dry himself off.
You were too busy laughing to even notice he was lunging at you again, this time knocking you on the hard ground and had his cannon pointed at your face.
"You're getting too cocky, newbie." He muttered under his breath, your eyes glancing between him and the cannon as another laugh managed to escape your lips.
"What's so fucking funny?!" He didn't get it, the fact he had you pinned with his hand hovering over your face. He could instantly send a blast and possibly ruin your face.
"It's just funny how cocky you are. You managed to get me down, bravo. Want a cookie?" The anger boiling inside was making him shake uncontrollably and you grabbed a piece of Earth beside your head and tried to blast it at his face so he could get off of you but this was the first time he was quick to use his explosion to tear the chunk of ground apart in small pieces.
"Nice try but I don't think the Earth can help you with this one, dumb ass." He smirked, feeling proud about how he had you beaten. Your quirk was completely useless to him and his explosions, so he thought.
But you didn't have to just use your quirk, your father taught you well with defensive combat moves. You had moved your feet slightly, kicking him off of you and he landed on his back. You stood up, laughing at his position now and he jumped back on his feet and try to throw a punch this time, you dodged but didn't dodge the next move he made, an explosion out of his other hand.
That time you were sent flying to the ground, Bakugou standing over you and put his foot on top of your body as you tried to recollect yourself. Your nose was bleeding from the impact and it was his turn to laugh. You were trying to be nice and was trying to go easy on this dumb kid but that explosion and his annoying laugh made you boil on the inside.
You grabbed his foot and dragged him down on the floor, you had never really felt this much anger towards someone but the way Bakugou can get under your skin was frustrating. All you saw was red and you didn't realize what you were doing, it was like you blacked out and your powers went into auto pilot.
You stood up, instantly throwing a relatively big chunk of the ground towards him, your body was shaking to its core and Bakugou could see the cold empty look in your eyes as you managed to somehow use the lava deep under the Earth to pull up and aim at him.
You had heard your name being called repeatedly but even then you couldn't snap out of the phase Bakugo had put you in. Suddenly, your quirk had stopped altogether at the perfect time.
Your head snapped back into reality, looking around you noticed the horror on the students faces and your eyes went down to meet Bakugou who was sitting on the ground, the look of shock on his face.
"Y/N, my office, now." Your eyes met Aizawa's, his face emotionless but you could tell he was angry with what he had just walked into.
The words were caught up in your throat, you didn't know what to say. You were terrified that this has happened again. The last time this happened was when you were a kid and had gotten angry at something, your father didn't know what to do except use his quirk to make you stop.
Ever since then, you were careful to make sure you were never to that point of almost killing someone.
You were so disappointed that you had let him get under your skin and get the better of you and now you will definitely be getting chewed out by Aizawa and that scared you even more.
As you sat down in front of his desk in the classroom, you were staring at your feet and stayed quiet until he spoke first.
"Care to explain what happened back there?" He said plainly, causing you to meet his gaze.
"I- hm," You opened your mouth to say something then shut it again, not knowing how to even explain what had just happened.
"Bakugou was challenging me, his cockiness and disrespect overwhelmed me to the point where I blacked out and let my quirk go in defense mode. I do apologize, I wasn't trying to purposely harm anyone." You were almost in tears at how you screwed up big this time, you didn't like this school sure but what you hated most was being at fault for something horrendous.
"I didn't even know you can control the lava under the Earth? Why didn't you say something?"
"I've never done that before, I didn't think it was possible for me to do that either."
Aizawa stared at you, knowing you were telling the truth from how distraught you were about the incident that occurred minutes ago.
"We'll have to work on that then. Please, don't let this happen again or else I'll have no choice but to report to the principal. Bakugou is a hothead, don't let it get to you so deeply." He tried to level with you and make sure he was reassuring you that it's not the end of the world dealing with someone as ignorant as Katsuki.
You nodded your head and left once he had dismissed you and walked back down to the class who were finishing up the last set of partners. You stood on the sidelines and watched, not even wanting to risk training at this very moment.
This could've been a bigger problem than you thought, the fact that you could've killed him where he stood was scary and you looked down at your hands then the ground. Lava huh? You started to think about it, it made sense considering lava.. is apart of the Earth but never in your sixteen years of life have you ever been able to pull lava up from the ground.
"Newbie," You snapped out of it, your eyes meeting with the same pair of red ones you saw before blacking out.
"Somethings off with you and that quirk of yours. I don't know what you're hiding but just know I'll figure it out and still come out on top."
He's not even phased about the fact that I almost killed him??
Bakugou was very confusing to read, was he just trying to keep up the tough guy act and prove he's worthy and number 1 at this school? Was it that important to him?
Before you could even question him, he was walking away and you trailed behind the class. Midoryia was quick to go to you and rest your hand on your shoulder.
"Don't beat yourself up. Also, I didn't know lava was apart of your quirk! That's awesome." His enthusiasm made a smile appear on your face.
"I didn't know about it either."

❝Stars Aligned❞ » Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
FanfictionA new student enrolled into UA, one with abilities she cannot begin to fathom, abilities she never knew of and cannot control. As dangers lurk at every corner, the villains seeking the powerful quirk she possesses, she is just trying to get by and...