Chapter Thirty Two

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I am so so so so so so sorry that this took forever. I wanted to do this chapter right. So here it is my lovely readers, I sincerely hope you enjoy it.

Chapter Thirty Two: Where To Go...

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

"Nico, we have to move now." I tell the dark haired boy forcefully.

He nods hurriedly and helps me stand.

But it's too late. I realize this as weapons fly at us and Nico's senses aren't as sharp as mine are yet. I switch places with him and the knives thud into me. 

From my shoulders to my wrists on my arms, knives imbed into my body. From my thighs to my ankles. "Percy!" Nico exclaims and rips them out so I can heal.

"Get moving, now." I growl and he takes off.

I do for him what Artemis did for me and let all of his senses sharpen after touching him with moonlight, but I use starlight as well.

'You cannot escape me down here. I see you evaded my clever trap however. I did not expect you to be so intelligent. The stories of my minions proved wrong. You hid most of yourself away from them. Didin't you?' The voice cackles. 'Run. Run and hide from them, but you can't hide from me. Know that someday, I will have you kneeling at my feet, new god.'

"He's wrong. I can hide you from him. He is weakened in my presence. Even though I was fored into my nightmare as we fell, I know that some aspects are real. He is messing with my head. Do not go near those deities, especially Annabeth. Their strength in that horror was real, that collar was real. Don't let your guard down. We need to hurr yup and shut off all exits. We can use the Styx to get back to the underworld. I can use it without either one of us getting hurt. Styx is under my domain and she will let us pass. I remember talking with her once when Annabeth was alseep my very first time here." I tell Nico as we zoom through Tartarus.

We pick up the pace as Nico's lungs get used to the air and he gets used to his newfound attributes, his body finally settling into them.

"How is he weakened in your presence?" Nico asks.

"Apparently I am too pure. There is something Apollo taught me to listen for to know when a person is truly lying. Most of the time, that voice was lying. The only thing he was honest about was the fact he wants to turn me into one of his pawns and later his...chewtoy. His father marking me however, it is hard to discern what parts of that were the truth and what were the lies. Don't listen to anything he says." I tell him.

"I knew you were pure. It's what was a little weird when I saw what the world was like after you got me out of that military school. Probably the real reason why I...yeah..." Nico trails off.

I chuckle and place spells over us, cloaking us from everything. Including Corruption. "Right. You can say it you know. When all this crap blows over, I plan on relaxing just a tiny bit. In my own way. i am making sure no one dies for real. Annabeth can kiss my immortal ass."

Nico laughs whole heartedly. "Awesome. Welcome to the club."

"I am president of that club genius." I snarl playfully and he sticks his tongue out at me.

"Is that one of the entrances we are looking for?" Nico points to a dark opening of a chasm.

"No." I answer darkly. "That's the Mansion of Night. We will not tread there until this war is over." I tell him and we sprint past it without being detected in the slightest.

"Got it. Great to know where it is." Nico mutters almost incoherently.

After we run for a little while, I spot a small fiery red opening past the bend in the Plegethon in one of the rocky sides of the wall of an upward level. We stop and chant together to close it permanently until we both give the spell permission to break.

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