Chapter Fourteen

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I'm trying to update a little earlier for more reasonable hours. Christmas Break guys! More writing time! Yay! I've been trying to come up with a picture for Percy's tattoo. I'm sorry for all the spelling mistakes, I'm just typing really fast and wattpad doesn't like that, so forgive any mistakes or weird looking sentences please. I try my best because I freak out over the tiniest mistake and I've looked over my chapters and seen where wattpad was trying to catch up with me as I typed. Thank the gods there aren't as many as I thought there were going to be. I'll try and look it over before I post it to make sure, if I miss anything, I apologize. Guess what! i was given a gift fom one of my old friends today and it was a bracelet with a silver owl that has sapphire eyes! Isn't that a little ironic, but I love it!!!!!!!!!! EEK!!!!!!!!!!! I also was given a free hand pencil and colored in drawing of Asuna from SAO!!!!!!!! I completely freaked! It was from one of my other friends. I was so giddy today. I got to play Mortal Kombat and Injustice, Gods Among Us with a lot of friends instead of watching a movie. And I Christmas Caroled with my french class in the allways for teachers! It was a liad back day and I had so much fun! Now that I've gotten a little more excitement into my system, please welcome the next chapter, my lovely readers!

Chapter Fourteen: In the throne room of the gods, on Olympus.

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

Demeter holds out her hands and I hand her the Airia. Then she and Artemis head to their thrones and the rest of the gods flash into theirs. I kneel in front of Zeus's throne.

"And you are positive my son is ready for this, Artemis?" Zeus asks his daughter.

"Yes, father. He has proven himself worthy. He cares for the Hunt and I like we are his own. He abides by all rules and takes it upon himself to do any menialtasks so we don't have to. Things have become more fluent and easy since his presence has traveled with us. I wish to bestow upon him his title oficially and immediately." Artemis answers her father.

"As you wish it, so shall it be. Perseus Jackson." Zeus looks down at me.

"Yes, Lord Zeus?" I reply.

"You have already taken your oath and pledged yourself to Artemis and her followers. Now, as king of the gods, I must ask you. Will you continue to do so? Will you carry on the proud tradition of being the Guardian of the Moon and Hunt?" Zeus asks seriously.

"I solemnly swear to do so. I will keep fulfilling my position as long as I may live. I will never go back on my oath." I promise.

"Would you rather die?" Zeus continues.

"Yes, I would." I admit.

"Now, I will explain to you the full description of your role. First I must brand your skin with moonlight." Artemis hops down and shrinks as she comes before me. "Rise, my Guardian."

I straighten and I am towering over my patron. "What must I do?" I ask.

She looks up at me. "Follow me to my shrine and the gods will meet us there to witness it. I must lead you and you must have faith that I lead you in the right direction. Close your eyes and do not open them until I tell you. Give me your hand." She holds out hers.

I place my hand in hers and shut my eyes. "Do you trust me?" Artemis asks.

"Yes, my lady." I answer.

I feel her tug me and I let her pull me along. "Do you love the forest, the night, the stars?" She asks me as she leads me.

"I do." I say.

"Do you love the Moon?" Is her next question.

"Always." I tell her.

"And the Hunt?" She continues.

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