Chapter Nine

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Oh my gods you guys. My computer restarted on me! I almost lost stuff. Anywho. Chuckles is buggin me to post Chapter Nine. I had school today and he wasn't there, but found out via a mutual friend of ours that I now post my stories, because I told him. SO, without further ado and tortorous, agonizingly, painful waiting, the next chapter, my lovely readers!

Chapter Nine: On Half-Blood Hill at Camp Half-Blood (The place of betrayal, yippee! That was Percy's sassy side, excuse him. lmao.)

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

We land next to Thalia's Pine.

"Oh, wonderful. How you doing tree? Nice to see you too old buddy, ole pal." We all laugh at Thalia's interaction with the tree. Thalia and I both pet Peleus on the head and he goes back to snoring away, like he hasn't a care in the world.

"Race you all down the hill, little ones!" I say and they dart off down the hill. I give them a ten second head start and catch upto them with ease. I keppace with them and we all reach the bottom at the same time. They break out into an argument about who won before I have to settle it.

"We all won, silly people. But the elder sisters lose!" I shout for them to hear me.

"Yay!" They all cheer. In total there are about five of them. They are 7,7,8, and 9 in ages. They all tackle me. I fall over for their amusement with a loud thud, as they start trying to win in a fight with me.

"You win, you win! I give up. I'm defeated." I chuckle as they giggle and shout their victory over their big brother.

A throat clears and I find Derek standing over me.

I gently remove the giggling hunters off of me and stand up, shuffling them behind me.

"Would you mind telling me just who are you? Answer me!" Derek shrieks.

The little hunters are still giggling hsterically behind me. "Will you five shut the Hades up, already?" Derek glares at them.

I grab him by the throat and lift him off the ground, his feet dangling three feet in the air. "You will not speak to the honorable huntresses in that manner, boy." I toss him to the side. "C'mon sisters, lets rejoin the lady." The two eldest onestake my hands while the other ones take theirs.

As we are walking to meet Artemis, Derek grabs Jade.

Jade's yelp is what draws my attention. "C'mon you litle brat. What was so funny that you were being so rude to me, the leader of the camp?" He raises his fist to strike her.

My eyes flash with anger and I smack his hand hand off Jade's arm and move my body in font of her's as his fist hits my chest and cracks. I turn to Jade.

"Did he hurt you Jade?" I ask. I check her up and down.

"My arm. Where he grabbed me." She says. I see the bruise on her left forearm. I touch it with Hestia's blessing glowing around my hand and it heals instantly in an orange, red, and golden light. I turn to Derek and advance on him.

"If you even presume to even raise another hand to oone of my sisters, I will personally escort you to the Underworld! Your lifeless body and soul will be cast into the deepest pits of Hell itself! If you hurt one of them again, I will put your soul through eternal torment and cast you into Tartarus!" I say, turn around, and pick Jade up.

 I walk toward Artemis again, the other young ones already at her side, hugging her legs. Then Thalia shouts, "Moonlace! Behind you!" Before she can summon her bow and shoot it, I feel a cold sensation go through my stomach.

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