Chapter Forty Two

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Rick Riordan owns PJO/HOO. Well, after all this time, I have finally managed to enter the brainstormed ideas I thought of a little while ago. So, here is this next chapter my lovely readers!

Chapter Forty Two: Retrieving the Mother 

Point of View: Third Person

After Zeus announces the new little gods and goddesses, the people's spirits seem to lift and they all come forward and insist on meeting every single last child. They congratulate Artemis and Percy and wonder at the pair. Before, so unlikely, but now, so right for each other. Once every citizen has held and seen each newborn, Zeus takes them to Camp Half-Blood to announce the children. The Greeks just look a little devastated while the Romans all come up to greet the newcomers. Then, Hyperion is declared safe and a defender of the gods. He is reluctantly let in and the barrier can no longer hold him out of either camp, lest he turn evil. Olympus citizens also know this now. 

Percy hands Hyperion all the children he holds. "Your job is to watch over my children. Keep them safe, taken care of, and help them whenever they need. They will reach full growth in four months time. The fifth month, that is when I will have to decide where else you will be helpful."

Hyperion nods. "Of course, Lord. The little lords and ladies will not come to harm as long as I am with them. This, I swear. Shall I see Lady Artemis home? She looks exhausted."

"Yes, thank you, Hyperion. It would be most appreciated. I have much work to do. It may take some time to complete, but I am certain it shall be done. Slowly but surely." Percy tells him.

"You are welcome. We will be in the Valley of the Hunt." Hyperion bows his head.

Hyperion heads over to Artemis's side and helps her along to her shrine. She smiles and talks with him as they both care for her and Percy's children. 

Percy heads for the new shrine, his shrine. It, too, has an entrance to the Realm of the Moon, but that is not where he is going. He enters his shrine and finds a room meant for study. He snaps his fingers and the room becomes clear of all material objects, being stored somewhere else in the shrine until he puts it back.

A young immortal comes in. "Oh, hello, milord." She bows as he turns.

"Hello. Might I know your name?" He replies with a warm smile.

She straightens and looks surprised a little at his smile. "I am a new immortal. An apprentice of Lady Hecate, but she insisted I serve under your wing as well when the opportunity to work in your shrine surfaced."

"Hecate, huh?" Percy raises an eyebrow and the immortal nods. "Why serve under me?"

"You know how to use magic, don't you?" She asks shyly.

"Ah, do your talents match mine, child?" Percy asks curiously.

"Yes. She said that I had to pass a test from you. But once passed, I must still be a servant of your shrine. She told me that you can even teach me old magic if I have an aptitude for it." She answers.

"It would seem Hecate thinks it best that I teach you my kind of magic. Very well, I will teach you my ways, but I am afraid you must wait. I have other matters to attend to." Percy tells her.

She bows again. "I will leave you. then, my lord. Thank you." 

He comes forward and puts a hand on her shoulder. She rises quickly and then relaxes. "You still have not told me your name, child." He reminds her.

"Helara. My name is Helara Grandorwin. I was a mortal only one week ago. I have always dreamed of being able to use magic and when I found out I actually could, Lady Hecate came to me and offered me control and safety. Plus, I have always been interested in Greek myths." The girl informs him.

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