Chapter One

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Right, still working on how to use this thingy. Plus, doesn't help when you are currently on dial-up. Yes, that still exists. Know that I take time to write this beforehand for the most part during school. Haha, yeah, that still exists even though we don't want it to. Sucks, I know. Anywho, I hate author's notes just as much as the next reader, so...On with my first update ever! Hope you like it!

Point of view: Perseus Jackson's

"Lord Zeus." I begin as I kneel before the king of the gods.

"Rise, Perseus Jackson." Zeus calls down to me.

"Lord Zeus and council of the gods. I have one single request. Will you honor me and fulfill it?" I ask them, looking mainly at Zeus.

"What is your request?" Zeus asks me warily.

I take a deep breath and speak my request, "I wish for death."

Everyone gasps and I'm just tired. I let it show on my face. My sadness, my shattered self. Poseidon starts weeping and Hestia comes to stand before me, with Artemis and Hera at her side.

"Lady Hestia, Lady Artemis, Lady Hera." I bow to each one.

Hestia puts her hands on my shoulders, grips them hard, and shakes me. I'm pretty sure my head is rattling. I couldn't care less.

"Why?! Why do you want your life ended?!" Hestia shrieks in my face.

Hera pries her off and Artemis slaps me. The slap turns my head to the side. I just keep it there, not meeting anyone's eyes.

"Perseus Jackson!" Artemis yells at me. "You will tell me this instant, what in the Hades is wrong with you! Look at me!" She screams.

I slowly turn my head and look at Artemis. "You want to know what's wrong with me? Ask the wisdom goddess, Lady Athena." I bow to said goddess.

"Perseus, I am so sorry." Athena's eyes start tearing up.

"What are you talking about Percy?" Hestia asks.

"Oh, so you haven't noticed that I've been missing for the past seven months? The Athena spawn that I used to love was doing things to me in Tartarus. Nice to know I was missed." I say and take my shirt off as evidence.

Everyone gasps again. The horrible scars mark and take up the majority of my skin. Everywhere. I just didn't want to take my pants off. The shirt was enough because I didn't want to offend anybody. The deep scars are still red and a couple are bleeding.

"How did you escape?" Zeus asks in a small voice.

"Athena. She saved me from her horrid daughter. And Hera found out a little over a few hours ago. She didn't wish to bring this news to you alone. So I did it for her. Nice to see you again, Lady Hera. But so unfortunate a time as I ask for my demise." I say and bow to Hera again. To my surprise, she hugs me. I only hug her back in respect and gratitude.

"Seven months?! We thought you were on a quest for Athena!" Hestia seethes.

"That what she told you? Obliviousness is bliss, dear lady. Enjoy it while it lasts." I nod to her. She sobs into my shoulder. "Can I die now? I think I've lived long enough." I look at Zeus and Hestia just sobs harder into my sore shoulder, but I let her.

Poseidon, my father,-sorry, used to be father- comes down from his throne and tackles me with a hug. I flinch involuntarily. I don't hug back because I'm tired, I have no more emotions left, and I hate the god of the seas with all my heart.

"What did she do to you?" Artemis asks me.

I laugh without humor and a wicked grin comes to my face. Everyone backs away or cringes into their thrones. "Search my memories if you want to know." I shrug. "I'll willingly let you look through them."

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