Chapter Twenty-Four

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Here is the next chapter my lovely readers.

Chapter Twenty- Four: Throne Room of the Gods, on Olympus.

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

"I-I'm your G-Guardian?" Nico walks up to me.

"Yeah. It's okay if you don't want to take on the role. I won't be offended. I myself am a Guardian, I know how much work it is." I smile at him.

"That's not what I meant. I just didn't think I would be a Guardian." Nico grins. "At least I'm Guardian of someone cool."

I grin at him. "Thanks. You won't exactly be going through the same process I went through, but it's pretty much the same thing." Artemis walks over and slips her hand in mine and I look at her questionly. "Are you sure? The hunters might not like it."

"I'm sure. It has to happen now anyways and since we both feel that way genuinely it will make it easier. I think the girls are expecting it." She kisses my cheek and squeezes my hand.

"All right." I say.

"These are our Guardians?" Aphrodite asks me.

"Yes. There are many more, but these are the ones for you and others. The Valley of Guardians is open to them once you give them their titles officially. I hope you all accept your gifts and embrace your destinies. Now if you'll excuse me." I say and Nico follows me out while I pull Artemis along.

"Where are we going?" Nico wonders.

"I assume you are ready?" I ask.

"Yes. Is that where we are heading?" Nico replies.

"It is." I answer.

"His ritual is going to be really different." Artemis comments.

"I know. Nothing like mine, but I think that mine is more painful than his will be." I tell her.

"I agree." I say as we enter Artemis's shrine.

"So, what do we do?" Artemis asks and looks at Nico.

"Well, you go in with our friends and I'll deal with this." I say and she nods. She walks through the passageway.

"So, what am I supposed to do." Nico asks.

"You have a free pass you lucky kid." I chuckle. "Mine was more revealing, yours isn't in the slightest. But I'm positive you will do most of what I did. You'll cleanse your soul with moonlight and go through a test once you're out, if you survive that is." I tell him and he listens intently. "You get to meet a couple people who have long since faded into the sky. Come." I say and walk through the door that leads to the Realm of the Moon.

I watch as his eyes widen and his jaw drops. I laugh at his reaction. "Where are we?" He asks as he takes it all in.

"Welcome to the Realm of the Moon, Nico." I smile at him.

"I can't believe I get to be a Guardian." Nico says absentmindedly.

"Well start believing." I tell him and he points to where three figures stand in front of a well. As we gather in front together Ezekeiel comes forward.

"So you are another come to bathe in the Well of the Moon." He claps Nico on the back.

"I would say déjà vu but I'm on the other side this time." I grin and Ezekeiel shares it.

"You must cleanse yourself." Ezekeiel motions towards the well.

"Here's some advice, don't get distracted or you will lose." I say and Nico nods with a serious expression. He walks down the stairs.

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