Chapter Twenty-One

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Well, sorry, but I was enjoying reading myself and got absorbed a little bit...okay, I lied..more than a little bit. I was way past fangirl level. I love crtain ones so much that I reread a few trying to find the one I was looking for, still haven't found it, which I'm severely ticked off about. But enough about me, you want Percy, am I right? *giggle* Here you go my lovely readers...

Chapter Twenty-One: Threatening the Ares' cabin like a boss...

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

As I walk to the Ares' cabin, I look up at the moon and smile at it. Then I find the Huntress and smile at her. When I look back down, I find myself at the door of the Ares' cabin. I knock on the door loudly and after about five more minutes of a steady rap on the wooden object, Clarisse answers.
She looks taken aback and smiles. I stop her before she can assume much else and say seriously, "I need to see the boys of your cabin. Immediately. Wake them or I'll do it, painfully." I tell her and she nods, her face grim.

It takes her only five minutes of screaming at them to get them to come out. She slams the door behind them after she pushes the last one out.

"Follow me. I wish to speak with you about matter I take very offensively." And they all visibly gulp.
I take them to the fringes of the forest. once I feel we are far enough away, I spin on them and a couple fall on their behinds like idiots in surprise.

"I want the truth and only the truth. Swear on the Styx that you will answer all my questions truthfully until I say the word 'Bye.'" I growl at them.

I get all of them to swear quickly at my tone.

"Did any of you touch Dahlia, daughter of Demeter in any way?" Is my first question.

All but two raise their hands. I snarl. "Any other girls?" All but the same two raise their hands again.

"You two need to stand behind me then." I tell the innocent two. They do as I say.

"Now, what did you do to Dahlia?" I ask murderously. They flinch back at my tone.

The eldest one speaks up. "All we ever did was hit and kick her a few times. And maybe touch her once or twice." He quivers in fear.

A feral snarl rips from my throat. "In what ways did you touch her?" I ask viciously.

"We didn't take off anything. We were just teasing. All we did was..." He whispers the rest, but I catch it.

"That. Is. Not. Teasing. Who else?! Who else did you 'tease?!'" I scream at them. "I want names! NOW!!!!!!" I shriek even louder.

They found a piece of paper and pen and wrote down every last name. "Is it valid?" I ask in barely controlled anger. No one answers. "Is this list valid and complete?!" I yell and they all nod.

I shove the list into my pocket and glare at them. They shrink back and I radiate rage.

"Now, swear on the Styx that you will never touch a girl like that again unless they give you permission. Swear!" I yell, accidentally switching to Ancient Greek.

They all swear. "I will give you your punishments in the next training session I hold. You are to be at the arena at the crack of dawn to receive it. No breakfast. You train harder than any one else. Now get out of my sight. I want to speak with you two." I say pointedly at the two innocent ones, turning on them.

They look at me nervously. The others sprint back to their cabin like their lives depend on it, which it did. I was itching to snap their necks.

"Since you both are innocent in the actual doing of things. But I must ask a question and you are still obligated to answer me truthfully. Did either of you know about it before it happened? Any of it? Did you try to stop it in any way? Does Clarisse know, other than what she has seen? Has she done anything?" I ask, glaring at them.

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