Chapter Forty Nine

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Rick Riordan owns PJO/HOO, blabbity blabbity blah. Anywho, here we go my lovely readers!

Chapter Forty Nine: The War To End All Wars 

Point of View: Third Person

They chose the outside of Camp Half-Blood for the battlefield. The spell has been primed by Percy and he has directed it down to Thanatos in the Pit. The gods are on Olympus performing the spell as the others wait at the set battlefield.

The some 4,000 monsters are spread out and have portals to the battlefield, one way, to surround the enemy. Made by Percy, who stands in the second line with all the Guardians, Titans, Giants, and Companions. Even though Arthur and Asale are small, they can still cause way more damage than any demigod and slip through the forces easily to wreak destruction. 

Nico and Percy have set up a shield for the Hunters and Apollo campers, as well as for the other long range demigods for powers and weapons. All stand behind the lines of the monsters and Guardians. All kinds of groups litter the demigods and stand at the ready. Endless traps all over the battlefield meant to only work on those without Percy's protection. If you don't hit one, you'll surely hit another.

The demigods all speak nervously amongst themselves, the Hunters scan the tree lines, and the ones down in the lines just wait, watching for the enemy to show or for the gods to flash in.

After waiting for about half an hour, only adding to the angst, Artemis flashes in next to her Hunters. Signalling Percy that it is about to begin. The other gods, minor and Olympian, flash in behind their children. "It is done." Nemesis says.

Percy nods. "Then all we have to do is wait." 

The winds blows through their lines and around their barriers.

Then a black mass like flash materializes the enemy. Nico raises his hand to the sky and a black light flares up from his hand and disperses after popping like a firework. The monsters who were waiting on the signal head through the portals and once they are all through, they close. The enemy is surrounded and they know it too as monsters are spread out around them. 

Porphyrion, Alcyoneus, and Annabeth wear armor for their fitting and stand in the perfect spots for only having three leaders for such a huge army. Tartarus and Gaea stand in the middle, protected. Meanwhile, Corruption stands in his shadowy form, flickering dangerously.

Percy holds his hand up and all chattering ceases to exist. His voice is loud and booming instead of the nice octave it is normally at. "Archers!" Anybody with a boy loads it and aims just right.

"Wait!" Annabeth calls. "Percy, Seaweed Brain, this is all wrong. I still love you."

Percy's eyes narrow and he knows that's his signal. "Fire!" His hand comes down and Artemis takes over the archers. They fire about five times before Percy yells, "Charge! For Olympus!"

The purified monsters and the second line converges on the nervous enemy and the minor gods are doing all that they said they'd do. Arrows take down enemies when they have a shot, each and every time. Percy heads straight for Alcyoneus and parries him before purifying him and defending him until he can start fighting. Then he works on Porphyrion, a better fighter than his egomaniac brother. By pure instinct, Porphyrion manages to fight off Percy's relentless assault from all sides. After a little bit, Percy manages to turn the Bane of Zeus on their side and the destruction of enemy forces becomes more and more. 

The Guardians and Companions fight side by side with one another while the Titans and Giants do the same. The demigods with long range powers do their best to strike the enemy, but once they are drained, they stop and wait, watching what happens next. Magic flying everywhere and killing monsters, plants coming to life and slowing an enemy or strangling them, traps going off left and right, enemies falling asleep or screaming from nightmares, lucky blows being struck, assuring victory against a large group when one faces them alone, and it is pure death out there. 

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