Chapter Four

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Oh my gods!!!!!!!!!Thank you guys so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm so hyper right now!!!!!!!I appreciate everything you all said and everyone who took their precious time to read something of mine!You have no idea how much this means to me! So in honor of you all, I'm updating again! Yippee!Oh, but I'll tell you something if you don't know about them. Read Percy Jackson, Angel of Chaos and Broken by blackjackxx. And read Queen's Champion, it's by Anaklusmos14, but food-junkie was really nice and posted it on wattpad for you guys! Read them! They are absolutely, positively amazing! They inspire me so much! And you guys will love Percy in them. I do believe that it's a Pertemis thing in all three. Correct me if I'm wrong lol. Also, blackjackxx has a Guardian of Chaos one that is another version of angel of chaos one, so try that one as well. Oh, and if wattpad is blocked at your school, fictionpad isn't because they have the maturity ratings for you. Under 18, but oure generation is bloodthirsty, so it wouldn't bother us anyway. Anywhoodle, next chapter my lovely readers!!

Chapter Four: The Hunt's campsite, somewhere in a beautiful forest at around a little late afternoon.

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

The hunters start to come out of their tents to stand before their mistress. They gasp when they see me and I think it's Phoebe who holds her bow. Before I know it, the arrow hits my front left leg. It thuds into it. Ow. That's nice. I see why she shot me though. I'm a really huge, black wolf standing next to Artemis. Something is off with my fur though. I can't tell because I won't take my eyes off the hunters. I don't think Artemis wants me dead first day on the job.

"Thanks." I mutter and shift to human, hood up.

They all scream and arm their bows, loaded, and point them at me. I just pull the arrow out and use the water in the air to heal it. I can handle drinking it and healing with it. I just won't go to a huge source of it.

"My lady, who is this boy?" Phoebe asks.

"Our new Guardian of the Hunt." Artemis answers. "Will you introduce yourself and give them your vows?" Artemis turns to me.

"Of course, my lady." I look at the hunters. "My name is Moonlace. I have vowed to protect the Hunt and their patron from any harm. At the cost of my own life if need be. And I also have sworn off the company of women forever. Just like the Huntress in the stars did with men." I say.

"Is this true, milady?" Thalia asks, stunned.

Artemis was smiling at the mention of our old friend, Zoe Nightshade. "Yes lieutenant. He has made his vows in front of the Olympian council. I myself chose him to be our Guardian."

The hunters gasp. "Isn't he the first male to ever swear off women like this?" Atalanta asks.

"Probably. I will never love in that way again. In many ways, I am much like you. If I was a female, I'd be a maiden and I would have joined the Hunt if I was able to find you. May I ask for your names?" I turn to Atalanta.

"My name is Atalanta." I nod as she introduces herself.

"Nice to meet you, Lady Atalanta." I say.

"Do I know you?" Thalia comes up to me.

"Perhaps, sister. I am Hera's child. Adopted, that is. Not to worry. As well as Hestia's." I tell her.

"Oh, that's what she wanted to know." Artemis smiles.

"Yes, it made her quite happy, milady. I do believe she is bouncing off walls at the moment." I answer Artemis.

Thalia had gasped. "Wait, Hera adopted you?!"

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