Chapter Ten

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You guys are definitely aggravated at me, I can tell. I'm on the last page in one notebook and opening the other one to type this up. *Sigh* I shall now let you pass into the realm that is Chapter 10. To you, my very beautiful and lovely readers, to you.

 At the campfire, CHB

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

"You idiot!" Clarisse climbs up into the stands and slaps me, hard. She put all her might into that one, my jaw dislocated on impact. I move my jaw around and it sets back in place. "You had us worried to death!" She seethes.

"I highly doubt that with the way things were when I was left with her." I say, staring into Clarisse's eyes.

"We are so sorry, Percy. We shouldn't have listened to that kid." Travis says.

"Save it. The person you speak of is neither living nor dead. He is in between." I reply with an even tone.

"What does that mean?" Connor asks.

"The Percy you know is being rebuilt. The man you see in front of you is but a fraction of who he once was. He holds no love in his cold heart." Artemis speaks.

"I hold love for my patrons, sisters, and mistress, my lady. But that is all." I say and look at her.

"What happened to you?" Clarisse asks.

"Hmm...I could show you. The hunters have seen. I have pledged my life to the Hunt." I answer thoughtfully.

"What was your oath, Perseus." Chiron asks.

"I'm sorry, I thought I was a 'horrible student,' as you so kindly put it, centaur." I reply coldly.

He looks taken aback, but quickly recovers. "I'm sorry, my boy. I-" I cut himm off.

"I am not your boy. You lost the right to call me that when you shunned me. I only return at Zeus's orders and for my family in the Hunt. And I am no boy, I long ago lost all childish acts when I was taken to the depths." I tell him flatly.

"What was your oath?" Clarisse asks shyly.

"I swore on the River Styx to forever protect the Hunt and Lady Arttemis at the extent of my own life if the need should arise. I also swore off the company of women forever on the same river. I no longer feel that way towards any woman. I am a brother, a friend, and a companion. Nothing more." I tell her.

Everyone from camp gasps. "What happened to make you like this?" Katie Gardner asks me.

"Didn't you hear Thalia? Annabeth Chase dragged me down to Tartarus that day. And kept me down there for a very long time. Only then did Athena come for me and saved a man who was already dead." I say with no emotion.

"You died?" Clarisse chokes on her words.

"On the inside yes, but on the outside I was lucky after all that came to be my being to have survived at all. It was quite a spectacle to see myself when I showed the hunters. Shall I show you? You might want to only let the counselors see though. Gruesome, I tell ya." I tell her.

"Why didn't you come back?" Clarisse asks.

"Because no one wanted me. Disowned by my own father. My family was murdered. And I joined my sisters. Did you forget again, Clarisse? I was kicked out of campby Chiron. I was not welcome here and I didn't want to return after you all listened to that idiot and his lies. Every word that comes from between his lips is a lie. I killed the hellhound. I didn't destroy anything. I was loyal to you, even down there. But, only one person and one god cared enough to look for my sorry self. As far as I am concerned, you cut me out of your lives for Derek. Which doesn't bother me because I have my sisters and mothers and patrons. I enjoy my time with them. They are there for me. I am Son of Hera, Son of Hestia, Son of Zeus, reclaimed Son of Poseidon, Champion of Athena, Champion of Hestia, blessed by Hestia, Hera, Aphrodite, Zeus, Athena, Ares, Artemis, Guardian of the Hunt, Savior of Olympus twice and I am a brother to the Hunt." I explained simply.

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