Chapter Forty Six

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I am on a roll. PJO/HOO belongs to the wonderful Rick Riordan. 

Chapter Forty Six: Preparations of War

Point of View: Third Person

Over the course of two months, Percy has given every god and goddess in existence a Guardian, a Protector, and a Tender. There are now at least four Tenders for each symbol. He now has a Lieutenant Tender, his very first named Tender, and her name is Amara. A bright young little girl that is never not cautious. 

After that, he takes over training the demigods and the Ares boys are finally released after he says the word, 'Goodbye.' He deals with Annabeth 24/7 and always outsmarts her, being three steps ahead of her in each move she makes. But now, a meeting has been called to discuss the matters at hand.

"Perseus, what is the news on Annabeth Chase?" Zeus asks.

"She is a constant pain in my immortal ass. She is a nuisance every day. But each time she strikes, she fails miserably. She is trying even now to enter New Rome, without knowing she had already failed utterly." He says.

"How are our forces?" Hera inquires.

"All Titans and Giants but Porphyrion and Alcyoneus are on our side. Perseus even managed to resurrect Iapetus and Damasen. The demigods number a solid 305 and have improved greatly from what I can tell. Perseus has purified nearly 4,000 monster, just under it in fact. But we are still outnumbered...10:1." Athens says.

"Oh dear..." Hestia sighs.

"How do the children train?" Ares asks for a subject change.

"Progressively, but not slow. It is a steady flow and all have learned how to use their inborn abilities to their advantage in any situation. I have taught them many things. Tricks, plans, skills, and traps. Much more. They all have great potential." Percy tells him. "I have found a way to make each thing fun for them so that they may learn faster."

"There is no fun in war." Ares looks him straight in the eye.

"I never implied that nor did I say it. I just meant that I made it easier for them to know how to save their lives and the lives of others by helping them to grasp it quicker. When the time comes, they will be ready if they must fight." Percy says.

"The two you revived?" Hephaestus chimes in.

"Already good before they perished. Even now with Iapetus with all of his memory. I have protected them from Corruption, but I did not bring them under my control. They are safe." Percy assures the forge god.

"How will we fight the Primordials?" Hermes asks.

"Though the demigods may have great potential, they aren't anywhere near the potential Perseus had as one. He was beaten and tired and he still fought Gaea and won. Perseus is our best chance." Aphrodite says.

"Though I hate to admit it, Aphrodite is right." Percy sighs heavily. 

"How are you going to fight two Primordials and an Elder Primordial on your own?!" Artemis freaks out.

"I can handle it Artemis, I will be fine. I , and I alone, will combat the Primordials." Percy answers.

"What about Annabeth?" Apollo asks.

"I will kill her." Artemis hisses.

"No, Artemis. You need to stay out of harm's way." Percy says.

"Perseus, I-" Artemis starts.

Percy cuts her off. "Want to help? Want revenge?" Percy asks softly. "Artemis, you are important. The most important. If you die, I can die, and if i die, many of our forces will. You are needed to stay safe. Not only is it my personal wish that you do, it is a need. I want you to stay unharmed, i would give anything for that."

"But..." Artemis can't finish.

"I will be fine. Fate will strike down Annabeth. She will get frustrated, and then she will get enraged, then her doom will cast her into oblivion. She will die, one way or another." Percy explains.

"The minor gods?" Hades asks.

"They have stored more power than they have in ages." Hermes informs them.

"How come?" Zeus asks.

"The Guardians, Protectors, and Tenders all help those they serve in many ways. Even you are all much stronger than usual. I am just used to being at normal for myself." Percy shrugs.

"Anything else?" Zeus asks and when it is silence, "Meeting adjourned."

You wouldn't believe what I did...I am so beyond mad at myself. I forgot I had gone offline and hit publish on this chapter. So, I lost everything and there was a lot more in this chapter than now, so I  am sorry, but stuff does happen. I almost threw my laptop at the wall. That would have been bad. Well, well, looks like this story is almost done. That means more and more updates faster and faster on the other stories. Let's keep going, my lovely readers. Sorry about the slower update, I was hoping to update like two hours ago, but I had a brain fart. So...enjoy!

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