Chapter Six

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Well I'm bored to death, it's two in the morning despite my messed up computer insisting it's still the day before. Soooo, I've decided that in my boredom I would update. This is going to take me an hour or more to write and my mother will kill me if she found me up again this late in the night. So, if I die, I'm so sorry. Love you guys so much. My next dedication will be revealed! soon as I get this thingy typed. Now for my question, do you guys think that they should start over on the movies for PJO, like with an actual 12 year old? I'm serious. They'd be great like that, like the books. I would fangirl the director to do that lol. And yes, I'm a girl. Proud of it. Though I have mostly guy friends. Only a few girls. So, ya know. The ole awesomeness is gona leak through becase I am so influenced by the other half of the human race, gods, sometimes my friends can be so pointed about the subjects of their awesomeness. I worry for the human race's mental help, but I marvel at it. It's the reason we have PJO/HOO. So, yeah. Thanks to Rick's son for asking his dad to make up a story for him! Now, to the chapter, my lovely readers!

Chapter Six: In another forest.

~Four Months Later~

Point of view: Artemis

The hunters and I have been trying to coax Percy out of his shell, but have been getting little results. If anything, he's even more gentle than before he was taken. He has put it upon himself to do all the chores. Apollo says he's fine, but checks once a week anyway. Everytime Percy trains, the girls and I watch him and he is amazing.


~Two Months Ago~

Point of view: Artemis

The girls and I came back from a hunting expedition one day without Percy because Apollo was checking up on his health, both physically and mentally/emotionally. We didn't expect to find him beating the Hades out of a few dummies he had constructed. He was shirtless and sweating. His scars were showing and so was his eight pack. He was ripped, despite being held captive for so long. That's right, they put him through training and made him fight monsters, so that if he broke and joined their side, he would be fit enough to lead their armies.

The first dummy was torn to ribbons and I saw a dagger next to its remains. Another dummy was mishapen, like it was pummeled by fists. It looked as if it was an overused punching bag. A third dumy had arrows sticking out of all the vital points that most of my hunters couldn't even hit, even my oldest hunters, who have been with me more than a millenia. I noticed the last dummy, he was using a new sword against it. He refuses to use Riptide, but keeps it anyway. He turns to the beat up dummy and sets it on fire with the blessing of Hestia. Then turns back to the fourth dummy and stabs it through the heart and slices off its head.

Apollo spoke up, "You are definitely not effected by anything even though your body clearly needs rest, you don't seem bothered by it at all. Your conscious is used to it I suppose. Your instincts have improved greatly, despite what has happened. However, you need to rest for the remainder of the day. No more work. Relax and finish the task I gave you in your tent. I will come to check on you same time next week. Enjoy your day off." Apollo was standing off to the side, he had analyzed every move to make sure there wasn't anything wrong. Then he flashed off after Percy nodded at him.

Percy puts his shirt on and walks to his tent. He glanced at us before opening his tent flap and ducking inside.

"Does he know how powerful he is?" Phoebe asks from beside me.

"Yes, but he's too modest to ever think of himself like that. He hates power." Thalia replies.

"I'm glad we have someone who actually cares for us." Joslyn says.

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