Chapter 23

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Ayla's P.O.V
I'm walking to Hunter's hospital room. It's a bit after 10 a.m., after my surprising morning with Alec I went back to my room to get some proper sleep. I was a moody person and if I didn't get enough sleep my mood would just worsen so to save everyone from my stress especially during a time like this I made sure I got enough sleep. Hunter on the other hand was supposed to be released yesterday but the doctors kept him back cause they said he needed to heal properly before they could release him which I didn't mind at all, considering the fact Alec and I were trying to find the mole well moles in our pack and I couldn't afford to have Hunter distracting us.... well me.

As I step out of the elevator I bump into who else other than lily. Which reminds me I haven't seen her around lately. "Well if it isn't her majesty" Lily states sarcastically before she does a curtesy in front of me. "Lily" I nod my head before exiting the elevator and walking straight to Hunter's room. What was Lily doing here anyways? my thoughts vanish as soon as I see the face I've been dying to look upon. "Hunter" I smile and walk up to him before giving him a peck on his lips. "Well... I am honored to be in the presence of her majesty the werewolf queen. What brings her majesty to a noob werewolf like me?" Hunter looks up to me with a cheeky grin. "Don't be silly" I tapped Hunter's shoulder while he burst out laughing. "You're finally getting released, aren't you glad to be getting out or do you want me to tell the doctors to extend your stay?" "No way! If I have to eat one more hospital meal I'll puke" Hunter scrunched up his nose in disgust. "hahaha.. come on let's get out of here" I state and pull Hunter's hand as I led him out of the hospital. 

*Few hours later*

"Then he bit down, first it was pain then all of a sudden it turned into pleasure like I was on cloud nine. Ayla it was the best feeling I had ever had." Kylie looked into a distant as she replayed her memories. Kylie and I were at our favorite coffee place and she was telling me all about how Scott, her mate had marked her the night before. "And then?" "And then I fell asleep lol.. hello? getting marked takes a lot" Kylie started laughing as she blushed from embarrassment realizing what she just told me. "Awww my besties in love" I state as I give her a wink before taking a sip of my coffee. "I'm happy Ayla and that's all I want for you too" "I'm glad you are Kylie but just so you know if Scott crosses a line I'll kick his ass for you" Kylie laughs as I give a stern look. "Wait.. you're serious?" Kylie stops laughing as she realizes I'm dead serious before I burst out laughing making her laugh again. This felt nice, how I craved for more days like this but I knew that wasn't the matter at hand. "And how is my cuzzy? Is he being a good boy?" Kylie looked me in the eye as if searching for something I wasn't gonna give her.  "Hunter's healed just fine. But I've told him to get some rest cause he was just released." "No Ayla. I mean how is he treating you?" "Honestly Kylie I think I love him. I mean he's been good to me, always is there and at the moment I feel complete.. but-" "But what Ayla?" "I don't know. I feel like he's the one but there's like this voice that keeps bugging me.. Do you think I'm being stupid for doubting my own feeling?" I look at Kylie hoping she'd understand and give me the answer I wanted to hear. "Ayla, if I'm being honest I think you shouldn't rush things for now. wait until you're certain before you even think about taking things 'there'" she puts in air quotes. I wanting to here her tell me I was stupid and being paranoid but she didn't and that made me even more doubtful. "You're right, thanks bes" "No problem bes.. I mean that's why you have me" Kylie reaches over the table to give me a hug.

*mind link*                                                                                                                                                                                 "Ayla?" I hear a voice in my head, a too familiar voice. "Alec?" I reply. "The rogues.. we're under attack. Where are you? You have to get back to the castle now!" Alec states in one sentence. I could hear the worry in his voice. "No Alec! This is my kingdom I will fight. Which direction are they coming from?" I ask as I stand up to see my people running around as rouges appear from the northern direction in wolf form. "Never mind I found them. Come to the northern boarder Alec" "No! Ayla! Go back to the castle now!" I cut off the mind link before he could say anything else.                                                                                                                                                                                       *End Mind link*

"Kylie, you have to go to the castle and wait there till we've dealt with the rogues." I state as I pull Kylie out of the door. "Not a chance Ayla. You know for a fact I wouldn't leave you here so it's either we do this together or we do this together!" "Fine. Just be careful" I say as I turn to everyone in the café. Everyone run to the castle and take shelter there. On 3! 1...... 2...... 3! They all ran as I stood in front of the rogues to distract them. "Ok I will say this only once! Leave my kingdom now or you will all pay for trespassing!" I shout out to the rogues who just snarled back even louder. The head wolf howled indicating for them to get ready, by now I had my soldiers join behind me as Alec came from behind me in wolf form. "Very well" I state as the rogue leader howls once again letting the rogues run towards us in attack. The rogue leader ran in full speed towards and and jumped but before he could reach me Alec jumped in front of me tackling the rogue to the ground. As this happened I shifted and bit into my first rogue head. Blood dripped down my mouth as I saw my weres shift before running towards our attackers. 

As I turn I see Kylie under a rogue, I was just about to run to her when a light brown wolf ran towards the rogue and bit into his neck before throwing him to the side. Kylie got up and placed her neck under the light browns which told me it was Scott's wolf that saved her. I turned to my left to see Alec bite into the rogue leader's leg when  all of a sudden I'm being tackled to the ground as I look up I see a dark brown wolf snarl onto my face. I snarl back before I try to kick him off of me. But because he's too heavy he doesn't budge. I try to bit his neck but he hold me down as he moves his head to avoid my teeth. That's when I feel his claws on the side of my stomach. I howl in pain as I feel the burning sensation. That's when another big brown wolf pops out of no where and bites hard onto the rogue wolf's neck. The rogue moves around frantically trying to get out of his grip but the more he moves the more blood spills out. once, twice before the rogue finally stops and lays limp, the brown wolf turns when i see that it's Hunter. I nod my head in thanks and turn to attack another wolf when I see the rogues are retreating.  "Capture a rogue before they all escape" I mind link Alec as I see him pull off a head from one of the rogues. He turns to face me and nods before he runs after the rogues with the other weres chasing the rogues out of our boarder. 

I walked to the tree beside the café and shifted back before pulling an oversized t-shirt from under the tree. there was a hole we would hide clothes in for cases like these. As I walk back to the front of the tree a wolf appears looking ready to pounce on me. I adjust my stance ready for the rogue to attack when he charges. My claws come out as the rogue gets within two feet from me and I grab his neck from under as he tries to bite my head. As I squeeze blood drips down my hand the rogue shakes as I watch his eyes dilate. This makes me squeeze even more harder to make him die even more quickly, I watch the life drain out of his body before throwing him to the side. And wipe my hands on the t-shirt I was wearing that's when I felt my wound. Shit! I forgot about that. "Alec" I mind linked my alpha to confirm whether he's captured a rogue. "Yes?" "Have you captured one?" I ask. "I have but we have a problem" Alec states in what seemed to be anger. Angry that our boarders were infiltrated, Angry that the only way this could've happened is if they had a mole on the inside which is what they have. Angry that someone would try to challenge the royal pack. "What is it?" I ask in worry. "They took a hostage" Alec replied before I could hear a howl of sorrow and great sadness. "Alec! Who is it?" As it sounded like a wolf howling in pain for his mate. "It's Kylie, they took Kylie". 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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