Chapter 10

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Ayla's P. O. V
"Fuck Ayla! You are awesome" Hunter growls in satisfaction as I get off of him and crash down just beside him on the bed.

"Well I'd have to be I am the Queen " I sarcastically state.

"How the fuck do you do that?  Where do you get all this energy from? " Hunter asks turning his head towards mine.

"Perks of being a royal" I wink at him.

All of a sudden I feel my mind link open.

*mind link*
"Your majesty" Alec speaks out into the mind link.

"Yes? " I answer back to confirm to him that I am listening.

"We have a problem, rogues have infiltrated our pack boarders and have killed two of our guards" Alec spoke out in a quick manner,  I could tell he was pissed just from hearing him.

"What?  Get the patrols out to the boarders to sniff out if the rogues are still on our territory or not,  I'm coming out now, meet me in front of my office!" I state trying to keep my cool or my wolf would take control and go hunting for the rogues who attacked my people tonight.

Closing my eyes I calmed my wolf down then opened my eyes before standing up to grab a pair of shorts and a muscle vest,  this is easier to wear especially for werewolves who intend to shift. 

"Ummm...... Where are you going? "
A voice interrupted my thoughts of what I was gonna do to the rogues if we found them.

"Oh shoot!  Sorry Ummm....  Hunter I have to go Alec just inform me that rogues infiltrated our boarders and two of our guards were killed. "

"Oh..... Should I come with you? " Hunter asked sounding as if it was not an important matter.

"No.  This is pack business, I might be back late though " I simply stated before heading out of the room closing the door behind me.

I walked along the corridor and down the stairs onto the second floor where my office was,  just as my office came into view so did Alec standing in front of the door leading to my office.

He looked up at me and locked eyes with me,  emotions were swirling in his eyes but I couldn't tell what they were,  it was as if he knew what I was up to lately.

I walked past him and opened my door but was shocked to see what was on the other side. My office was ruined, papers were scattered all around the floor,  my laptop was smashed onto the wall and only the remains was left on the floor in the form of tiny pieces,  the sofa had sponge springing out of it and there was blood writing on the wall saying 'We are coming for you Queen Ayla'

"Fuck" I heard Alec behind me and felt him start to shake with anger,  I turned around and saw his eyes changing color from blue to black.

"Alec.......  Control yourself " I said while watching Alec shake,  but what I said never phased him.

"Alec!" I shouted out the third time but nothing happened before I could let his wolf lose control I thought of what to do but before I could think of anything my instincts kicked in and I placed my hands on his huge fists which were positioned by his sides.

Just as I got in contact with him I felt sparks shoot up my arm,  and in the next moment I felt his shaking stop and in the process I looked up into his eyes that captivated me as it turned from black to blue.

I stared in awe as his eye color came back indicating that he had full control again.  We stared into each others eyes and before I knew it Alec leaned down  and placed his lips onto mine. 

It was a soft, passionate kiss there was no rush in it, it felt so good it was like fireworks no, it was more it was like heaven. Our tongues laced together like they were just made for each other flicking and touching like Ying and Yang,  it was like magic.

Until I remembered who I was kissing and shoved Alec back.

"What the hell is wrong with you? " I growled at Alec.

"I'm sorry,  I don't know what came over me. I won't do that again" Alec stated looking down guiltily.

"You better not " I huffed annoyed that he would try something like that after rejecting me himself.

I glared at him before walking towards my desk to inspect the damage.

*mind link *
"Your Majesty and Alpha Alec" Beta John called.

"Yes" We both answered in unison

"We've caught one of the rogues and are waiting at the edge of the woods." Beta John announced proudly.

"Good! Take him to the prison and Alpha Alec will meet up with you now I'll come just after I collect something from my office." I stated before signaling to Alec to exit my office and take the lead.

After watch Alec's retreating form I decided to look for clues in my office upon searching through the ruins of my office I found that the file of the new members of my pack was missing,  there was only two files the one that was updated which was the one I kept and the one that needed to be updated was with the Alpha of the pack meaning Alec had the second copy.

"Shit! " I growled in annoyance but a thought popped into my head.  Why the hell would the rogues need the file of new pack members?  Looking up I notice the blood dripping from the words that covered my wall with blood.  I decided to mind link a few maids to come and clean my office while I went to visit the rogue who dared to attack the royal pack, my pack.

Upon walking out of my office I stopped at exactly the place Alec and I stood just a few minutes ago,  what the hell happened?  Never would I have thought that Alec would kiss me like that let alone kiss me at all especially after rejecting me.  Did he regret rejecting me now? 

I don't wanna lie to myself by saying I didn't enjoy that kiss, because if I had to be honest that kiss was the best I had ever had even the kiss I shared with Hunter did not compare.  Was I not over Alec yet?  Was I falling in love with him after just one kiss?  Impossible!  What's wrong with me after Alec rejected me. I sound like a desperate person who couldn't survive with out anyone.  I was being unfair to Hunter by even think of Alec,  Alec might even be the danger the moon goddess was warning me about.  Than again I never really would know because after that kiss my heart is starting to change,  not completely but just a bit. Which one is my real soulmate is it Hunter or Alec?

Oops love triangle........  Or is it really?  Read on to find out.......
Hey guys so how is it so far?
Vote and comment who you think Ayla should choose?
Team Hunter or Team Alec?


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