Chapter 16

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Ayla's P.O.V

"So I trust everything will be running smoothly tonight?" I ask Beta John as he ran through the list of things left that needed my approval for tonight's initiation ceremony.

"Yes your majesty" Beta John nodded at my direction.

"Well! If that is all than-"

"Actually your majesty........... I'd like to request something of you if you do not mind" Beta John looked at me pleadingly.

"Yes, sure what is it?" I asked curiously as Beta John was one person who rarely requested anything from me. Looking at Beta John I could tell that he was like almost scared to request what he wanted to as I watched him nervously gulp.

"Well......" Beta John cleared his throat after saying this.

"Spit it out already" I stated looking at my watch, apparently I had a disturbing call this morning from Kylie. Kylie a.k.a my best friend had called me complaining that I hadn't been a very good best friend, spending a lot of time with my duties as the Queen of the werewolves and not with my duties as her best friend. Obviously after listening to her I felt guilty and decided to set up an outing with her. I know there are a lot of things to do especially with the initiation ceremony tonight but there is no wrong time for my best friend because I made this arrangement with Kylie I asked Beta John to take control of the initiation ceremony preparations which he accepted thankfully, so I guess the least I could do for him since he is so hard working is to listen to his request.

"I'd like to request if you could release Alpha Alec......... The pack has been restless as they can feel that something is wrong with their Alpha since it was kept a secret and not the whole pack knows that you had him thrown in the cells. The Alpha needs to be there for the initiation ceremony it's part of tradition and-" Before Beta John could continue I cut him off

"That's enough Beta John! You are right......... the Alpha needs to be there it is he's pack as well"

"Thank you your majesty!" Beta John bowed his head in appreciation

"But! I want him watched always! I still do not want to take risks as he was the only one there on the day the rogues attacked, so we still do not know if he is the rat or not" I state formally before nodding towards Beta John dismissing him.

It is true I still don't trust Alpha Alec but he is still the Alpha and technically I do not have any evidence against him besides the fact that he wasn't patrolling when he was supposed to and coincidently on that same day rogues attacked but that is still not hard evidence. At this moment I don't really know who I can trust now, I am close to Beta John but can I trust him? The only people I can trust for sure is Kylie and Hunter.

After Beta John exited my office I stood up from my seat and walked towards the door to go and meet Kylie as soon as I reached the door it swung open almost clashing with my forehead if it wasn't for my fast reflexes.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Ay I am so sorry........ Did I hit you?" a voice burst out all off a sudden. To my relief it was just my best friend.

"Oh K! it's ok! You didn't hit me but if you did I guess I would deserve it since I haven't been such good best friend............ I'm sorry for pushing you away" I looked at Kylie who looked like she was about to burst into tears.

"Aww Ay! It's ok, I understand at least you're making it up to me by taking me out today. Now! Enough chit chat and let's roll" Kylie took my arm as she pulled me out of my office as quickly as she could.

~ 1 hour later~

"Now! What have I missed out on tell me about what's been going on since you became Queen of the whole freaking werewolf universe?" Kylie asked me sipping onto her caffe late. Right now we were sitting at a small café not too far from the palace, since we were from the Royal pack we had our own little town with a small boutique, a café, a restaurant, a library, a grocery shop and other small places.

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