Chapter 9

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Ayla's P. O. V
Hunter. I have no idea why but that was the person I was thinking of right now, there was just something about him that was strange but at the same time drew me to him.

I'm sitting in my office trying to finish some paper work when the thought of him came into my mind. All of a sudden my thoughts are interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Come in" I call out as I shake my head in order to stop me from my daydreaming phase. "Hey babe! " Hunter calls out acknowledging me.

Wait Babe? What the....? Did he just call me that? Does he think he could call me that after that one time with me. Brushing it off like it was just a small thing I decided to ask him what he needed.

"What can I help you with Hunter other than entertainment? " I watched him as he sat on the chair in front of my desk.

"Entertainment! Now how did you know that was what I wanted? " Hunter asked me looking as if he was amused.

"I don't have time for games Hunter, right now I have work to do!" I stated back trying not to sound annoyed.

Hunter stood up and came behind my desk where I was sitting and stood behind me, he then placed he's hands on my shoulders and started rubbing giving me a little massage which was what I had been wanting since my shoulders were tired from all the paperwork I had been doing.

As soon as he's fingers touched my skin I felt little sparks, it wasn't obvious when we had sex but now I could feel it full force. I felt it than but I never thought it was anything since the only person who could give you the sparks was your mate and obviously I know who my mate is. But how the hell does Hunter have this effect on me?

"Hunter" I gasp in shock as I turn around to look at his face, I knew that if I felt that he would as well.

"I'm not here for games, I'm here to help you relax. Why don't you stop what you're doing and I'll show you how to relax with work that will definitely be worth it? " Hunter leaned close down and breathed these words down my neck sending shivers running up and down my spine, this caused goosebumps to appear on my body.

"Hunter...... Did you feel that? " I ask confused about what exactly I felt when he touched me.

"I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would think it was stupid and even reject me." Hunter said with all honesty glowing in his eyes.

"What are you talking about Hunter?" I asked impatiently waiting for him to continue.

"I'm your mate Ayla, I've known ever since that day when we became one right here on this desk, in this office" Hunter slammed the desk lightly and waving his arms in the air to emphasize on what he was saying.

With all shock I kept quiet as I didn't know what to say and how to handle this situation, I just stared at him in shock and didn't move a single muscle trying to take everything in.

Than the thought of my dream came back to me of when the moon goddess had visited me, this was what she meant when she said I had two mates. Her exact words were 'There are two wolves that you will have feelings for and be soulmates with but only one will be your true soulmate and one will be your destruction and the destruction of the whole werewolf race. Just listen to your heart and do not be deceived'.

Getting out of my daze, I realize Hunter is still in front of my staring down with an emotion swirling down his eyes that looked a lot like love. The moon goddess had told me to listen to my heart right now my heart longed to be held by Hunter, and was even what Claire my wolf wanted but somehow Claire also wanted Alec and that was what my mind wanted. This must be the result of having two mates you get torn between two wolves, right now I was gonna take the advice of the moon goddess and follow my heart.

I stared up into Hunter's eyes and slammed my lips into his. After a long breathless kiss I pulled back breathing heavily leaning my forehead against his.

"So I'm guessing that was an acceptance kiss? " Hunter asked hopefully.

"Yes...... Yes that was, I want you Hunter. I choose you! " I stated happily

"Oh Good because I want you Ayla with all my heart and I'm never going to let you go " Hunter was able to say while smiling down at me.

This was what I wanted, this was all I asked for in life a loving mate and a happy ever after. But life gave me a mate who rejected me and even though I did hurt and thought I wasn't going to get a happily ever after, life blessed me with a second chance mate and now I wasn't going to give this up for anything.

Since Hunter is my mate and I finally found him I think it's about time to add him into this pack and also to fully mate with him making him the king of all werewolves,  together he will help me build a bigger and brighter future for all my werewolves and I know with his help we will bring forth a new era to all werewolves all around the world.

Hugging Hunter tightly,  I let go and move back to my desk.  "OK I have a few more paperwork to do than I'm free the whole night" I wink as I say this to Hunter who looks at me with lust swirling in his eyes.

"Sure...... just save some energy for tonight as you'll be working for me, and trust me babe you'll need the energy so don't be selfish and use it all up now" Hunter speaks out with excitement laced in his words as he winks back and walks out of my office but not before shutting my office door.

Now to prepare for the announcement of my mate,  I'm gonna surprise Hunter with this as my gift for accepting me. Oh Alec you're gonna regret rejecting me.

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