Chapter 13

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Ayla's P. O. V

Before I let Alec say anything I walked behind a tree that was just behind me and shifted back to my human form quickly just before reaching through the hole of the bottom of the tree grabbing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt which I eventually changed into. Upon walking back to the scene Alec was hovering over the rogue inspecting the scene.

 "What the fvck happened here?" Alec asked looking from me down to the rogue who was lying down on the floor whining in pain from the damaged I had caused in his leg.

"What the fvck happened here? What the fvck happened here?  A rogue entered our territory that's what happened and that's not the worst part the worst part is that you weren't here to guard this boarder!  Do you know that if I wasn't here the rogue would have gotten in and gotten information from their inside man! And yes did you know that there's a mole in my bloody pack? " I growled out angrily at Alec who just stood still looking at me like he just found out all this news,  which I'm betting was from his good acting skills I pretty sure that he was the mole and he was just late because he didn't know how to meet the rogues.

"What are you talking about Ayla? You think I'm the mole?  Wait!  are you hurt? " Alec practically ran to me with worry etched onto his facial features,  he was just about to touch me to inspect me when I pulled my arm back.

"Don't touch  me!" I growled out in annoyance and authority making Alec's wolf fall back slightly as he had to listen to his Queen's command but growled lowly as his Alpha nature was used to being dominant.

Just than six guards appeared from the trees,  they came and bowed in front of me before I gave them their order.

"Good! Now I want two of you to take the rouge to the prison. Whereas the rest of you I want you to take Alec and lock him up in the PIT! " I said as I pointed to Alec not showing any emotions.

"What? Ayla you've got to be joking! " the guards looked at each other unsure whether to follow my orders and betray their Alpha or to betray their Queen and let their Alpha go.

"You have your orders!  Now do as you're  told or you'll end up in the PIT with your beloved Alpha! " I growled using my Queen voice which they definitely could not resist.

"Ayla you're making a mistake!  I'm not the mole!  Ayla please............. " Alec shouted back pleading for me to let go of him as I watched my guards drag him to the PIT.

The PIT was a heavily guarded prison cell that held only the most dangerous person and today that person was going to be Alec. I had enough of his bullshit,  from the first time I had set my eyes on him I knew he was trouble for my pack and now I had caught him red handed. If it wasn't for what happened today than I wouldn't  have added up all the evidence and wouldn't have concluded with Alec being the mole. Now all I needed to know is why he did it,  did he want the throne that bad?  Was he just hungry for power?  He must've been to have gone through great lengths to kill my parents.

Shit!  This is all messed up, sighing as I ran my hand through my messy hair I walked all the way to my office only to find beta John standing in front of the door to my office.

"Beta John?  What may I help you with? " I asked questioningly looking him straight in the eyes.

"Your Majesty!  Good morning......" Beta John spoke trying to continue his sentence but stopped quickly sounding unsure whether to continue or not.

"Come on in" I spoke out before he could continue and opened my door before walking in,  straight to my seat behind my desk I sat down before nodding towards the chair in front of my desk indicating to him that I wanted him to sit down before he continued.

"Your Majesty,  you know I wouldn't question  any of your commands specifically actions but.......  I have to request to you to release Alpha Alec from the PIT. He would never betray his own pack for goodness sake why would he even want to? " Beta John said starting off with a soft tone than moving to a more frustrated phase.

"And why exactly would I do that?  There's a mole in my pack and so far all the evidence is pointing towards Alec!  I'm sorry but Alec is staying in the PIT until I have evidence that proves that he is innocent and someone else is to blame. " I state emotionless trying to fight my wolf who is agreeing with Beta John.

It really doesn't help when I want to do my duties as a Queen and that is to not put emotions in the way even if it deals with my so called 'mate' but as a werewolf I still also have a wolf and she doesn't give two shits about my duties as a Queen,  to her when it comes to our mate he comes first even if he rejected us.

"Now if that's all you want I suggest you leave now or I will be forced to throw you in the PIT as well for questioning my orders! " I stared back into his eyes challenging him. Beta John looked into my eyes than shifted his gaze to the floor like it was suddenly the most interesting thing in the world.

"That won't be necessary Your Majesty! I will take my leave than. " He bowed before he turned around and made his way to the door.

"Oh! And one more thing Beta John.....  Please don't disappoint me. And by the way can you gather all the findings of Alec's findings on the rogue problem and bring them to me ASAP! " I snap quiet harshly as more work load is placed onto me. As Queen it is also my duty to deal with the rogue problem as all packs come under me and the safety of my people comes first,  that was what my dad always told me.

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