Chapter 14

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Unknowns P. O. V
Fvck! My meeting was fvcked up all thanks to that fvcking princess. That good for nothing Alpha Alec fell for my trap, he set up a meeting with Lily and was supposed to meet her to tell her he was pulling out and wasn't going to listen to us anymore but what he didn't know was that I had set him up. I found the letter he left in Lily's room when I went looking for Lily myself and replied by writing my own letter leaving it in his room while signing as Lily. I Made him come to the east of the territory during the time he was supposed to be on patrol and that made him late to his shift as Lily wasn't there to meet him and which made him extra late.  By the time he arrived at the northern boarder the rogues should have already gone after meeting me but my plan messed up as soon as Ayla came into the picture,  she took Alec's shift guarding the boarder thus catching the rogues that I was supposed to meet to give info to so that we could attack soon. Well.....  At least Alec is locked up,  helps my case as now we don't have to worry about him ratting Lily out. Which will eventually lead to me being caught and right now I can't afford for that to happen. I can't afford for people to find out I'm the one leading the rogue attacks and that I was the one who killed the former King and Queen. I have to find a way to get word to the rogues, to tell them when we are supposed to attack we have to attack when the pack leasts expect it and right now I'm aiming for the day of the pack initiation ceremony.

Ayla's P. O. V
So after my short chat with Beta John,  he sent me a file with the information on the rogue attacks. Right now I was staring at a map with the marked places of where the rogues had been attacking for the past few months ever since my parents had been attacked. How the hell weren't we able to catch the rogues by now? This just doesn't make any sense basically what the map was telling me was that the rogues have been attacking from all sides of my territory and that didn't wasn't a good sign this showed that the rogue pack was huge and it was growing day by day which was worrying me each minute I took staring at the map with circles splattered all over it. Tapping my fingers on my desk I could feel a head ache forming up my head, my hand automatically stretched to my forehead and tried with much effort to rub the ache away but with the mess infront of me my head ache only grew. Standing up from my office chair I walked to the couch situated in the corner of my office, I really was exhausted emotionally, physically, mentally and all out exhausted I hadn't even eaten since yesterday but that was how stressed I was with all that's been happening I hadn't had time for food. I hadn't even had enough sleep , maybe that's what I need shutting my eyes close I doze off into a deep sleep straight away.


"Ayla? ........... Ayla? ........ Ayla?" 

What's that?  Who's calling me? Is this a dream?                                                                                                   All of a sudden I felt warmth blanket upon my cheek, a nice warm feeling giving me sparks. Without much effort my eyes opened to see what was giving me that feeling to my surprise I saw Hunter kneeling by the couch gracing me with his amazing smile.

"Hunter? ........... Is there something wrong?" I looked up puzzled as to why he would wake me up from the much needed sleep I had gracefully welcomed.

"No, no! I was just wanting to show you something" Hunter spoke quickly trying to reassure me that there was no trouble escalading in the pack while I was out.

"Oh ok than couldn't it have waited?" I tried not to shout out annoyed but failed

"Opps sorry! I knew I would face your wrath if I woke you up from your beauty sleep but I couldn't help myself" Hunter grimaced as he gave me an apologetic look.

"Ok so...... what was so important that you had to wake me up?" I asked yawning out my sleep as I sat up on the couch.

"Do you trust me?" Hunter asked as he gazed into my eyes while giving me a hand as I attempted to stand up trying to get the blood flowing in my legs, in other words to wake my legs up. 

"Umm..........Yes?" I looked at Hunter puzzled trying to imagine what he was thinking about, considering how weird his question was.

"Good! Than all you have to do is follow me, because we're going out" Hunter once again showed me his full set of teeth with a huge pearly smile.

Before I could process everything Hunter had said he pulled my hand and we dashed out of my office. Walking out of the building we stood at the front porch facing the huge view of green trees surrounding us.

"Oh Ayla one more thing....... Did I tell you that we would be running their in our wolf forms? because we are" Hunter winked at me before taking a step away from me shifting into his big brown wolf.

"Seriously? I just woke up!" I complained before staring at Hunter's huge wolf eyes which looked so cute! And just because he gave me his pleading huge wolf eyes I couldn't ignore him and just gave in, stretching a bit to wake my muscles again I shifted in my spot. Hunter looked at me waiting patiently, I turned to him and gave him a nod which was all he needed before he dashed into the woods with me trailing just a few feet behind him.

For waking me up from my sleep this better be worth it Hunter! I thought as I ran through the endless green forest.

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