Chapter 18

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Ayla's P.O.V

After my encounter with Alpha Alec I got a bit thirsty so I made my way to an omega who was standing on the side of the ball room serving drinks, I picked up a glass of champagne when a familiar voice spoke from behind me.

"So how are you enjoying your role as the Queen of the werewolf race?" I turned around to come face to face with Alec.

What the? Didn't I just farewell him like a minute ago? and his back here in front of me?

"Well! like they say with 'Great Power comes Great Responsibility" I state proudly as I quoted my father's favorite lecture line for me to Alpha Alec.

"That's good to know" Alpha Alec stated back with a slight smile.

"And how have you been?" I blurted out a little too early before even thinking.

"Enjoying my freedom while I still have it" Alec stated back as I saw an emotion flash across his eyes but it was too fast to recognize.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean....... What I did was wrong Alec I shouldn't have done what I did, I mean you are my packs Alpha so I should trust you more than anyone else and if I could take back what I did I would ....... No. No. No. that's wrong actually I should have punished you for being late to your shift" I stated looking Alec straight in the eye showing how sorry I was.

"Yeah I guess I deserved being punished...... But not locked up! Anyways it's gone I just hope you don't do that to me again!"

"I won't as long as you make it to your shifts that is" I gave him I best smirk as I burst out in laughter.

"Well it's good to know that my prison cells will be occupied by me mostly rather than rogues thanks to you your majesty, the crime rates in our pack will drop rapidly" Alec sarcastically commented which made me laugh even harder.

"Would you care to join me in a dance?" Alec asked me with all promise of an enjoyable night.


"Just one, Your majesty" Alec winked at me.

"Ok" I whispered as I placed my hand in his as he guided me towards the dance floor.

For every event we host at the Royal pack even as small as an initiation ceremony it is considered as a black and white event meaning Dancing, Music, all that and we end with a huge banquet which I was yearning for right now seeing that I was starting to grow an appetite.

As soon as my hand landed in Alec's sparks flew up my arm, looking into his eyes I could see that it not only affected me but him as well. As we arrived at the dance floor Alec's left hand fell down to my waist as his right hand gripped my left hand firmly whereas my right hand automatically placed itself onto his shoulder. Alec pulled me close, so close that my breasts pushed up against his hard chest which I could feel all too well right now, I gazed into his eyes and found Alec staring at me I felt a blush creep onto my face at the same time as I saw an emotion flash in Alec's eyes. We moved with the music with Alec leading and me following, it was like we were the only two in the room it felt almost magically if it wasn't for the fact that I still had mixed feelings for Alec.

Alec twirled me around slowly handling me with care like I was as fragile as glass, it felt like I was dancing with my prince in shinning armor. Like I was safe in his arms and that he would protect me from the world but so far all he ever did was hurt me. Our faces came so close that our noses were touching that was how close he pulled me into him. It was as if we were about to kiss until we heard clapping which indicated that the music had stopped playing, I pulled away to suddenly as I knew my thoughts might move into action if I didn't pull away quickly.

"I've got to......... look for Kylie" I spoke out breathless feeling rather flushed trying to recover from the dance. Just on cue I heard my name being called out I turn to look in the direction waiting to see the person, I turned back to Alec but I was greeted only by the empty space he once stood at.

"Ayla!" I hear my name being called out again, I turn searching through the crowd of werewolves only to let a smile creep onto my face upon seeing my best friend who looked as if she was running through the crowd just to reach me.

"Hey K! Who's this?" I ask curiously looking at the mysterious guy that she had pulled along with her as she was making her way through the crowded room.

"Ayla meet Scott, Scott..... Ayla" Kylie stated as she gestured from me to the mysterious guy and from the mysterious guy back to me.

"You're Majesty! It is an honor to finally meet you" Scott states politely taking my hand and kissing it gently earning a low growl from Kylie. Kylie obviously wouldn't mind since I'm her best friend but our wolves can be very possessive when it comes to our mates so I wouldn't blame her for that.

"Oh! The pleasure is all mine...... Please! Call me Ayla, no need for formalities since you're my best friend's mate." I laugh at Kylie's reaction as she looks down embarrassingly with light pink cheeks.

"If you wish" Scott smiled slightly.

"So how did you two meet? I forgot to ask Kylie" I asked curiously looking at Kylie awaiting a quick reply for Kylie was always quick to answer when it came to telling an exciting story in her life but to my surprise Kylie just turned a shade darker than of a color of a tomato if that was even possible. Something tells me it wasn't an exciting story if she's giving of this vibe that screams out 'This is so embarrassing and you would not want to know'.

"Oh! I was on patrol walking in the woods one day when I heard this shuffling behind some bushes so I decided to go ahead and investigate when I came closer to the bush and heard these two girls arguing, not wanting anything bad to happen to anyone I moved around the bush and saw Kylie and one of the she wolves arguing. I showed up just when Kylie raised her hand so instead of just standing back and watching I ran up to her and stopped her hand from landing on that other girl's face, Kylie was pissed and turned to face me slapping me in the face after her eyes came in contact with mine she stood still. I guess she was shocked to find out that she had just slapped her mate, Kylie then said a quick "sorry" before attacking me with a kiss" Scott chuckled as he rubbed his neck with his hand I'm guessing embarrassed as well to the fact that he just told me what Kylie did when they first met.

"Oh my gosh! Kylie hit you? Kylie always did have a temper" I burst out in laughter at the story of their first meeting.

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