Chapter 4

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  Ayla's P.O.V


Was all I could hear, there was no light, no colors just black darkness. The only question running through my head was, Where am I? and what am I doing here? What actually happened to me? Did I die? or is this a dream?

I tried looking around searching for a clue but it was like i was swallowed into a black hole and was left floating in the darkness. I touched my neck and felt this tingling pain directed just below my right ear, the first thing I felt was like a scar tracing the scar i could easily tell that it was shaped as a moon with a crown in the middle of it. I could only tell because this is not the first time this has happened. 

This symbol stands for royalty and only the ruler of all the werewolves which can either be the king or Queen wears this symbol. When my grandfather died my father was just 16 and received the symbol, this symbol just appears onto the next ruler when the current ruler has passed. It is believed that the Moon Goddess placed this symbol so the whole werewolf population would know who the next ruler would be this is because during my grandfather's time my grandfather was the third child of the king then but because of the symbol took the throne after his father's death.

So this only meant one thing, I touched my face as i could feel something wet trailing down my face. I never thought that my parents would go this quickly, I wasn't ready to take the throne. I wanted to scream to shout but when my mouth opened no sound was heard. Just then a bright light came out of nowhere and just appeared I stared at it in awe as I saw this beautiful woman walk out of it. She had this lovely white long dress that touched the ground she was walking on and black long hair reaching the ground with striking blue eyes. As she walked closer to me color started appearing and all of a sudden that black darkness I was surrounded by turned into a beautiful garden.

"Why are you crying my child?" the beautiful woman I knew was the Moon Goddess asked. "I just lost my parents" I replied, "I know Ayla........ I'm sorry for your loss but think of it this way now your parents are in a wonderful place with me" The Moon Goddess replied.
"But without them i don't think i can rule the werewolf kingdom" I said back wiping away my tears. "And why not" the Moon Goddess looked at me questioningly. "Because I don't think i can rule by myself, My parents had each other that's why they were strong" I said back in pain thinking of my mate, I mean ex-mate who rejected me

"Now listen here Ayla! It's true you need your mate to rule together making the packs strong but that doesn't mean that you cannot rule by yourself!" , " I also know about the rejection but be patient in the end all your suffering will end and this I promise you as your mother" She smiled at me hugging me in the process.
"Ok before you go back as everyone is waiting for their Queen to wake up I have to warn you there are two wolves that you will have feelings for and be soulmates with but only one will be your true soulmate and one will be your destruction and the destruction of the whole werewolf race. Just listen to your heart and do not be deceived"
"But- But how would I know which one is my true soulmate?" I tried to ask while this bright light started blocking my sight of the Moon Goddess.

"You will know" the Moon Goddess said just before the light completely consumed her and my eyes fluted open only to find the white ceiling hanging above my head.

I looked around only to be greeted by black silky looking hair on top of my bed I touched it confused only to see it move, realization hit me and I immediately moved my head to the side something inside me was hoping that it would have been Alec and he finally realized that rejecting me was a mistake and that he was sitting beside me day and night just to finally tell me that he loved me when i woke up.

But that just turned out to be a wonderful nightmare as Hunter's face looked up at me instead of Alec's. To say that didn't kill me inside would just be a lie, the feeling of rejection ran through me as i felt more alone in that hospital bed than i had ever felt before.

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