Chapter 12

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Alec's P. O. V

Fvck! What have I done? Did I really lose her now? Why do I have to be such a fvcking disaster? She practically rejected me, I guess this is what I truly deserve for rejecting her for putting her through hell. Well who ever said that Karma was a b!tch, was fvcking right and deserves a medal for that.

I gave the piece of shit prisoner another look, he was knocked out and was hanging by the silver chains I admired the master piece I had created before turning around to exit the room.

"Make sure no one enters this room without my permission, you mindlink me if anything happens, got it? " I commanded with the help of my Alpha voice.

"Yes Alpha" they said in unison bowing their heads to me.

"Oh and don't give the prisoner and water or food! " I quickly announced before walking up the stairs with large strides, all I wanted to do was get out of this place and take a long overdue jog to clear my mind from everything that just happened.


Ayla's P. O. V

After what happened at the interrogation room I went back to the pack house,  to my room only to find that Hunter was no where in sight which was exactly what I wanted. Right now after all the unexpected events that have occurred I was getting really confused as to who my real mate was,  somehow I know and want Hunter to be my mate but a part of me is telling me that it's Alec that Alec is THE ONE!

I plopped onto the bed and lay still attempting to fall asleep as I had to rest in order to function properly tomorrow or else I'd be moody. Twisting and turning I sighed in defeat knowing that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep due to the unexpected events that has been happening.

I looked towards my bed side table on the right where my alarm clock sat still,  only to surprise myself with what the time was.

4:00 was written on the clock I blinked my eyes rubbing them abit to clear my vision properly and looked at the clock only to find that it still had 4:00 written on it.

Lying still I contemplated whether to stay in bed or go for a jog,  after a while I decided that a jog would be best for me as jogging helped me clear my head besides all these events have caused me nothing but stress and right now I needed to de-stress before I go crazy and bring out my stubborn, moody self.

I stood up and walked out of the pack house only to find that it was dead silent.  Stopping in front of a tree just a few meters in front of the pack house I stripped my clothes off sensing that I was alone before shifting into my beautiful wolf white wolf Claire.  I sat back and let Claore take over as I needed time to think and Claire deserved to have some time as I had kept her inside all this time denying her of her freedom.

Claire first picked up our clothes lying on the ground and placed it in a hole of the tree to keep safe before we went on our run. Claire is the fastest female wolf that's alive right now and she was proud of it,  she jogged through trees running towards the boarder of our territory towards the north, darting through trees and trying to avoid crashing into big logs lying on the ground Claire ran like the wind.  It felt great as Claire always made it seem like we were flying or riding on cloud nine.

Upon reaching the boarder we found that there were no guards situated in that area.  What the fvck?  I thought,  this must be the reason why rogues were able to come into our territory.

I ran along the boarder trying to see if the guards were just standing somewhere in front but with no luck I found that this was not true.

The first thing I did was tried to mindlink Alec,  I opened up my link and tried calling him as he was in charge of protecting my territory seeing as he was the Alpha. But this failed as he did not reply to my call after attempting a few times ,  I decided to just mindlink John with just the first call he answered.

********Mindlink ********
"I'm up" John announced all of a sudden, must be shocked that I would mindlink him this early in the morning seeing that it was still dark making it seem as if it was still late in the night.

"I'm at the northern boarder....... Who's to be on patrol here? " I asked curiously awaiting his answer as I wanted to know, this actually might be the mole in our pack.

"The northern boarder?  Ummm if I am not wrong Alec was supposed to be patrolling that boarder this morning " John answered back sleepily ,  as he was still in sleep mode.

Alec?  Where the hell was Alec?  Why the hell is he late? Knowing about Alec's reputation I knew that he was the best Alpha that lived and that he was known for being vigilant and well organised as well as being well committed into what ever work he had to do.  But.........Why wasn't he here?  Was it possible that Alec was truly the mole of my pack?

"Oh OK thanks......... " I said back as I didn't want John to think I was suspecting what I was suspecting of Alec being the mole of the pack.


Running along the boarder I come to the conclusion that Alec wasn't coming for patrol along this boarder so I decided to stay until a guard comes for their shift.

Upon sitting on the ground I hear a branch snap as the sound of paws coming towards me rush to my ears.  I have awesome hearing also percks of being a royal werewolf. My head snaps up towards where the sound is coming from but I don't stand up yet at least not just now,  if it was rogues I wanted to get them.

Whilst crawling I reach this huge bush in front of me and hide behind it just to not get caught when all of a sudden I see wolves pop out of nowhere and appear in front of my view.

I crawl abit closer keeping my body low as to not get spotted as well as to get a better view of the situation,  hiding behind a bush I see two wolves standing side by side looking as if they were waiting for someone.

Should I attack them now or should I wait for the mole?  I contemplated on which would be the best option.
After what seemed like decades of thinking I decided that waiting for the mole would be a better option.

Waiting and waiting I watched the rougues like a hawk or in my case as a wolf,  resting my head on my paws I waited with them for the mole. Just as I was about to twist my neck as it was straining from the position I was in,  I saw one of the rougues head look up towards the right of his direction looking as if he was in deep thought after a while in that position he turned he's head to the other rougue and they looked like they were talking through their mindlink.

Shit! Don't tell me they found my hiding spot. But how would they have known? Was it the mole? In just minutes something unexpected happened just right infront of me the first rogue turned to the other rogue and bit down hard on he's neck causing the other rogue to bleed out killing him instantly he then turned he's gaze to me smirking before turn around to sprint off into the woods. 

Fvck! I ran after the rogue,  catching up to him within seconds.  What did this rogues think?  That he could outrun me?  Hahaha.

Just as I had caught up to him,  just a tail out of reach from him, I pushed myself abit more in front just enough to reach he's leg biting down hard onto it so that he could stop running.  With that the rougue howled in pain as he stopped and crashed down onto the ground, turning around to face me the rogue limped trying to stand in order to show that he wasn't going to give up.  Claire growled at the rougue hating that he wasn't showing submission to us,  he still didn't faze so with that Claire lunged at him biting he's other leg disabling the rogue from running away from us.  The rogue lay on the ground howling in pain,  I mindlinked John to tell him to send a few guards to where I was at just to take this rogue to prison as well. This time I was planning to Successfully catch the mole,  just as I was about to wait I hear a branch snap behind me turning my head to see who it was shock ran all through out my body as I realized it was none other than Alec. 

Where did he come from? Why is he late?  Actually better question....  Was he the mole of my pack? Was he the one that told these rogues that I was there?  Was that why I could not mindlink him?

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