Rusted Up Lighthouse

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"Here place her down, the sun is dying and we should get some rest" Ryker said sitting under a tree. Asher placed Andrea between his legs as they heard her grunt, "Sorry Andrea". "No you're fine, you didn't have to carry me for that long" she felt a soft pair of arms wrap around her, "It's fine, just get some rest".

Asher slightly leaned against a tree besides Ryker, Ryker played with her hair as Andrea slowly fell asleep. "We really have to get her ring under control, how much longer do you think it is going to take?" Ryker asked Asher, moving some hair out of her face.

"I don't know, but I hope that it'll take at least two days. She barely got stressed out but was still nearly corrupted. I hate to admit but her body is getting weaker and her powers are growing stronger. Let's just get some rest because we still have a ways to go" Asher said as they both dozed off for the night.

The next morning Ryker and Asher were the first to wake up, Ryker got up and stretched as Asher stayed in his position holding Andrea. "Dude you have to wake her up, the sun is up and we have to make the most of it, we have to get this gem before nightfall" Ryker said.

Asher sighed and started to shake Andrea, "Come on Andrea, wake up, we have to get going before the night catched up to us". "I've been up, just kept my eyes closed for about an hour" Andrea sat up in front of Asher. "Well you should've woken us up, more time in the sun" Asher pulled Andrea to her feet, "It was still pretty dark outside, and I couldn't do that to you guys we all need our rest".

Asher smiled and kissed her cheek softly, "And that was your choice" Andrea chuckled, pushing him away. "I understand about all the choices now, come on, how much farther do we have to walk?" Andrea asked while readjusting her ponytail.

"Not too much longer, at most an hour walk. We tried our best to get as far as possible" Ryker said, slicking his hair back.

"Well let's not waste any time and go" Andrea walked through the woods following Asher, "Since when did he grab my paper?". "When we were traveling, you were really weak so you probably don't remember," Ryker said, stepping cautiously through each branch.

"I know... I can't believe he carried me all that way, it was about 4 hours of walking" Andrea said and felt guilt overcome her. "He would do anything for you and you have to understand that" Ryker said, giving her a faint smile. "I know he would, and I'm grateful that he would even want to come into my life" Andrea smiled walking slightly ahead. "You shouldn't be surprised, trust me" Ryker said, a little crush can mean a lot to him.

"Asher how much longer" said Andrea with a slight yelp from a broken root sticking out, "I'm fine, I just tripped over something".

"Not much longer, and it's only been about 10 minutes we've been walking, it says something about it being a very tall building, so surely we won't miss it" Asher looked back slightly and felt himself run into a tree. Andrea chuckled slightly and walked all the way to him and rubbed his head, "Maybe watch where you are going". Andrea forced him to bend down and gave him a peck on his forehead.

"You were right... there is no way you could miss this" Andrea said just a couple feet away from them. "Andrea? Where the heck are you?" Asher yelled out through the forest, "Just travel where you're looking you won't miss it".

Asher and Ryker traveled through the monotonous woods and saw Andrea's curly hair placed in a mid-high ponytail. Her head was up high looking at a massive building. "Now that must be the tallest building I have ever seen" Ryker and Asher both went to either side of her.

They both stood at the dusty orange lighthouse, a light on top that seemed rusted and no longer in service. It could have easily been 15 stories tall, higher even. An orange, a darker orange by just slightly, and white for what they assumed each floor. The place could've been over 200 years old, with moss growing down the sides and climbing up to the nonfunctional light. And with black windows on each floor, surrounding the entire cylinder.

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