Beautiful News

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It was now the evening and Andrea was getting all her books ready to leave. Asher came running into her room looking worried and frantic. "Ash, are you ok?" Andrea said, coming to his side. Asher looked at Andrea carefully until she took his hands.

"I was worried something happened because I woke up in the Bathen common and came dashing back!" he yelled. Andrea looked at him confused, he was just with us, how could he have been in the Bathen home? "We just saw you a couple of minutes ago," Andrea said.

Asher looked edgy but he had one of his hands clenched up tight, "It wasn't me, it was one of the Balin's and they had this". He showed the ring, Andrea's ring. Andrea looked over to see she was missing it on her hand, but she wasn't being corrupted or anything. Asher speedily placed it on her hand again yet she didn't feel any reaction.

"I've been training more, that is probably why I didn't feel anything" Andrea reassuringly spoke and Asher rested easily.

"I don't think it was an accident, it was almost like they did it on purpose" Asher shakily told her, Andrea shook her head, and begged to differ. She grabbed her books from her desk and placed them in a mini bag. "It's been slipping off a lot lately and I'm planning to get it resized soon" Andrea said, trying to make him believe nothing was going to happen.

Zilch worked and he still seemed worried, "Just please stay here tonight we don't need you getting hurt". Andrea chuckled and walked up to him swaying her bag around her shoulder. Asher got lost in her eyes, he was appreciative nothing happened to her, while she looked at him, "I have to, but I promise I won't get hurt. I have Noah and Lucas".

"Right... Noah- just stay safe. I'll see you later?" Asher asked and Andrea nodded her head. She waved goodbye and left their dorm shutting it closed.

Asher left Andrea's room and Ryker came out with a confused look on his face. "I thought you were just in your room?" Ryker pointed to Asher's. "I wasn't here for the last 30 minutes, the other was a fraud of one of the Balin's" Asher spat and Ryker grew worried.

"A Balin? You're kidding! How did he know so much and act like you? Are you even a devil?" Ryker asked those three questions curiously. The last 30 minutes they were talking like they usually would, and were having a great time. "I am a devil, and I'm not sure, but he got Andrea's ring but I stole it back" Asher said in a worried tone.

"Her ring? They must be up to something and we have to stop it somehow" Ryker said, he was now pertrubed for her own safety. Andrea had gone off to the place they lived while in Black Academia, the Bathen living home.

"She still won't believe it, saying she needed her ring resized... did she?" Asher asked knowing they were now closer. Ryker sighed and nodded his head knowing her ring would slip off even without notice and would lie around. Andrea's training had been going so well she could go days or weeks without a reaction. "I say leave it be for now, everything still lines up for them to be innocent" Ryker said and he walked back to his dorm. Asher groaned in frustration but couldn't get any of them on his side.

How in the world am I supposed to protect Andrea if she won't believe me, I just want her to be safe but she always acts like she isn't in trouble. Maybe that's her escape- gosh why am I worrying so much about her now... I did before but it was never this bad. Ugh this feeling of worry- no- I don't know whatever has to leave. I can't live like this anymore, knowing that- Asher paused his thoughts and decided to lie down with a massive headache from all the anxiety rushing through his veins.

Andrea walked into the Bathen living home and all could see was their house color in the same design as the Tigerthey living. "Look it just means that we-" a voice came from the living room, Adrian's voice. He shut himself up when he saw Andrea step in and all three shot a glare at her, not a mean one though, a worried one .

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