The Invitation

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Asher and Andrea looked at each other, worried about what he was talking about. "You're making this sound serious, what's wrong now?" Andrea asked.

Ryker walked over and sat at her desk, once moving some of her paintings out of the way. "It's nothing wrong I promise, I was only talking to my mother and she wanted me to ask you guys something, as I kind of had to delay it" Ryker spinned around in her chair, moving it from side to side.

Asher looked over at Ryker curiously, he couldn't think of any reason for his mother to bug him about anything. "Delay it? You haven't even told me this entire- week" Asher paused, as he remembered what was going on.

Andrea nudged him, as he quickly turned his head over to you, "It's over, I'm here now. They are in the past, as this is the present. I don't want you to worry about me this entire break. I have my ring, I'm here, everyone is here". His muscles softened, a soft smile on his face Asher nodded his head, and looked back over to Ryker.

"Sorry Ryk, what did you want to tell us?" Asher asked, as he looked back up to them and recollected what he wanted to say. "My mother wanted me to come back home this winter break. This year we have an extra week off because Academia News knows you are back. They were saying about how they wanted to give the week off so the school could figure out what they were going to do. So my mom wanted to know if you wanted to come over to our place for winter?".

"Come to your place?" Andrea asked with slight excitement, happy she would be able to see them again. She didn't visit during the summer, so she hoped to see them again soon.

Asher seemed nervous, "Why would she want us to come?". Andrea furred her eyebrows at him, hearing him nervous even though he had meant Janet. "She wants you guys to spend the holidays with us, she loves it when you guys come to visit," Ryker said.

Andrea was excited, but soon she worried about all their family. "Won't your whole family be there?" Ryker nodded his head, "Wouldn't it be silently cramped?".

As they knew, their family was big, and didn't know if they could fit so many people in one home. "It wouldn't be, it's just those who go to school, you've also been to our house before, it's pretty big" Ryker reminded Andrea, as she nodded her head but could only smile down, but thought about turning down the offer.

"I don't think I should go," Andrea said, as she stood up to continue organizing her room. Asher and Ryker glanced over at her, as they saw her holding books she needed to read. She neatly placed them in order with her shelves at the top. "Andrea, why shouldn't you go?" Ryker stood up from his chair.

He stood up and stopped Andrea from decorating her room at all, "I'm inviting because we all want you to come".

Andrea took her hand away from Ryker as she reached down for even more books. "I'm happy for the invite really, but wouldn't someone have to sleep on the couch? I don't want to do that to someone" Andrea guessed, as Asher stood up and walked over to both of them. Sanctuary of Dragons... If Only I could live... One My Lover, Always Is... are titles of books she had read throughout the summer, some of her favorites she had placed on the 2nd shelf.

"We have spare bedrooms, I think we have about 3. You guys could stay in one of them for your own privacy, I promise you guys won't be a burden. If you were going to be then why would we invite you?" Ryker joked at the end, Andrea chuckled.

"I just thought she was doing it to be nice, I hope it wouldn't be too much of a bother if we came" Andrea shrugged her shoulders as she looked over to them.

"Like I said, they love you guys. It would be amazing to spend the break together, it's gonna suck if we can't like last year. I didn't go last year" Ryker scratched the back of his head, telling them he was supposed to. Andrea glared at him but laughed, as he disobeyed his family just to stay with them, Andrea thought it was sweet.

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