that crazy girl that does drugs

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"There's no such thing as werewolves" I stated.

 The annoyance in my voice was obvious and I didn't bother to hide it. Honestly, I didn't care what this woman I barely knew wanted to say, who's now sitting next to me in the usually empty chair.

"Oh, come on, dude, you can't be serious!"Jane almost shouted. I looked around to see if anyone was looking, but no one seem to mind. The class was noisy as it is." So what ghosts and aliens are real, but wolf people aren't? That's your point? Are you just gonna picky choose what to believe and what not?"

"Yes! because there is proof for both ghosts and aliens, but I have never heard anyone complain about an overgrown wolf and even if someone did, it's probably was a bear or something."

"Do you hear yourself? You don't make any sense. You can't just accept one piece of evidence and reject others"

"Yes, I can. If everything you got is fairytales then I will reject them. I need hard evidence to believe in something."

"So what I saw wasn't hard evidence for you?" She almost sounded desperate.

"Yes. you were probably high" I shrugged my shoulders.

" I wasn't, I'm not some junkie, okay?"

"Really? Because you smell of weed right now. we're in class, by the way"

"I wasn't high back then"

"Sure, whatever you say, but I bet you were drunk then"

"I... had a couple of drinks, but that's not the point"

"Well, that explains everything. You were probably just hallucinating from alcohol"

"I never hallucinate when I'm drunk"

"Well maybe you did this time, I don't know Jane, there's no way I'm going to believe you, sorry"I tried to talk as calmly as I could.

"Oh fuck off, dude" now she looked mad." I came to you because I thought if anyone's going to believe me it's going to be you, the ghost boy"

"Ghost boy? Who calls me that?"I frowned, offended a little.

"Like everyone, you are known as that one kid who is obsessed with supernatural"

"First of all, I am not obsessed and second of all I can't believe that's my legacy. Ghost boy? Seriously?"

"It's not that bad, before this you were known as the gay guy."

"Oh yes, my two personality traits: being gay and ghosts," I said sarcastically.

She laughed and probably for the first time through all this conversation her shoulders relaxed. The girl was seriously frightened. suddenly I felt bad. Was I too harsh on her? Was I acting like a dick?

I sighed.

"Sorry I couldn't help you, but maybe you should see a psychologist. They would be more helpful with seeing beasts in the night than me."

"Great, now you're calling me crazy, thanks, Ryan." She stood up and turned around to walkway.

"Wait, that's not what I meant!" I tried to stop her, but she was too far. She left the classroom and no one even looked up.

She was seriously mad at me. And probably hated me now. Great. Another one to the list. Maybe it's for the best. She needs help and I can't give it to her. She's crazy.

I mean who in their right mind would just approach a guy who you barely know and start talking about some weird shit you saw when you were drunk.

I have no interest in fairytales.

The cursed wolf ✔(unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now