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Alex left.

As he promised.

I was alone. Again.

The classes were cancelled once more. The wild wolf was on the loose again and killed six hunters.

I knew what actually happened, but did it matter anymore? Did it matter how Alex looked covered in blood that night? Did it matter what sound he made when he shifted? Did it matter what his facial expression was when I told him I hated him?

I didn't. not anymore. He's gone. The story ends here.

I had to move on.


These days I tend to spend the majority of my time in the library. When there're no classes, there isn't a place I could go to keep my mind off of things. And I don't want to be in the dorm. It reeks of him. Every corner reminds me of him and I just can't stand it.

Today was one of those days.

I just sat at the library staring at the wall. I can't even imagine what the librarian thinks of me. I came here every day and sat staring at the same spot on the wall.

I didn't have the energy to do anything else. I was drained. It was too much. I just couldn't wrap my head around everything that happened. These last months felt so surreal. So many things happened. And now I'm alone with nothing but my thoughts.

I came back home super late. It was dark outside, but it's not like I have to be scared of the dark anymore. There are no monsters hiding in it. Not anymore.

When I walked inside I immediately noticed changes. Alex things were gone. The room was barren. I guess I didn't realise how much space he took up until now. His books were gone, his clothes, his everything.

He only felt a note on the table.

I came to collect my things. I knew you didn't want to see me, so I figure I'm just gonna leave quietly. 

I hope you have a beautiful life. You deserve that.

P.S. I took your gun, it's not safe to have that thing around. And you don't need it anymore.



I stared at the note.

"Asshole," I whispered and threw the note into the trash can.

I looked around the room. He was really gone, wasn't he? This is what I wanted, right? Just a week ago I was so sure, but now...I never was more alone. But I couldn't be with him. There are things I just can't forgive.

I wasn't in love with him, I was just in love with the mask he wore.

Another week passed and the dorm was back at the state it was before Alex. My stuff everywhere. No order. And no Alex.

There was no trace that some guy name Alex ever even lived here.

Well, that's a lie. There were two things that proved that I didn't make everything up.

First, the faint smell of cigarettes in the kitchen. The smoke soaked into the walls and even now I could smell it.

I should have been mad about it. I should have been mad that every time I walk into the kitchen I remember him.

The cursed wolf ✔(unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now