Late night movie session

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It was dark outside when I left Jane's place. It's not like I was scared to walk alone in the dark, but after talking about literal monsters all evening I couldn't get rid of the feeling that someone was watching me. I knew that it was just my imagination, but I still walked faster than usual. When I reached my dorms, I ran upstairs. The familiar smell and warmth of the dorms calmed me down a bit and just then I realised how fast my heart was beating. God, I'm going insane. It's not like Jane and I found anything concrete, just old scary stories and some creepy articles. Nothing real. Nothing to scare me.

I took a deep breath and was about to look for a key in my pocket when I realised the door was unlocked. I stood there confused for a second. New fear surged through me. Did someone break into my room? Was I robbed?

I slowly opened the door. It was dark inside. A faint smell of cigarettes was new. I could hear quiet breathing.

Then I remembered.


I forgot about him.

He was probably sleeping. I tried to move as quiet as possible and slipped into the bathroom. I looked at my phone to see that it was almost 1 am. I took a quick shower and changed my clothes.

When I left the bathroom, I tried to reach my bed not making any sound, not wanting to wake my new roommate. But something was in my way and I tripped over it and fell with a loud thump. I looked to see what I tripped over and it was one of Alex's boxes.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I quickly looked at Alex's bed, scared that I woke him up. And to my fear, the man was wide awake sitting up straight so he could see me. Which was embarrassing, considering I was lying across the floor on my stomach.

"God, I'm so sorry."He said." I should have placed that somewhere else. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I m fine." I said standing up." Sorry for waking you up."

"It's alright, I wasn't sleeping anyway."

"Oh... Okay. Cool." I stood in the middle of the room like an idiot. The room was dark so I couldn't see Alex's face, but I could feel his gaze on me. I had no idea what to say next. I never was good at making conversation.

"I'm going to bed now," I stated just to interrupt the silence.

"Ok. Good night," Alex said lying down again.

"Night, " I muttered climbing in my bed.


It's been so long since I shared a room with someone. It was weird to have someone in my personal space. I lied on my back and stared at the ceiling. My anxiety and the strangeness of this situation kept me awake. I guess it isn't as strange to the majority of people, but for me, it's the worst. 

People just aren't my thing. Never were. I never knew what to say or how to respond, most of the time I end up just insulting people, no matter if I mean it or not. I know that most people I know, tolerate me just because they need something from me. And honestly, I'm okay with that. I prefer to be left alone. And the only exception to that is Jane. I just have a feeling that she won't leave me alone any time soon. And it isn't the worst thing ever. 

On the other half, there is this guy. I can't just ignore him. I live with him, after all. And he seems like a guy I could get along with. I am willing to try at least. Probably, for the first time in my life.

I looked at his side of the room. My eyes got used to the darkness so I could make out the shape of his face.

He was also lying on his back. And god, this guy had a great jawline.

I listened to his breathing for a second and realised how creepy I was acting.

What if he's awake? It was a stupid question, but I still needed to make sure.

"Hey, are you asleep?" I whispered as quiet as possible, not expecting an answer.

"no," Alex whispered back. My heart sank when I realised what just happened. Honestly, I didn't want him to respond. And now that he did, I didn't know what to do next.

"Can't sleep?" I asked because I was too stupid to keep my mouth shut.

"Something like that, yeah. You?"


There was an awkward pause and I was about to say something but Alex was faster.

"So what major are you?" He asked. I guess he was interested in having a conversation with me.


"Mine's history."

"Wow, I didn't though people seriously choose that." I chuckled.

"Says the guy who chose psychology."

"Excuse me, that's a very popular major."

"I know, but that doesn't mean it's good."I was about to argue, but he kept talking." You know what. do your thing."

"what thing?" I said confused.

"you know, psychoanalyze me or whatever they teach you."

"that's not how it works." I smiled.

"How does it work then?"

"well, first of all, I have to know you."

"ask away."

"Okay. Let me think." I pretended to be thinking for a second." Why here?" I asked," I mean, there are better universities than this."

"I don't know, I liked the nature around here."

"You chose this place just for a nice view from a window?"


I laughed.

"Well, here's your diagnosis, you're insane," I stated. "Only insane people enjoy this rainy, smoggy and overall depressing landscape."

"Okay, fair." He chuckled.

There was a silent pause.

"We are not going to fall asleep tonight, right?" Alex asked.

"I won't, that's for certain." sleep was the last thing I was thinking about. not sure if it was because of the scary stories from earlier or just my anxiety.

"do you, maybe, want to watch a movie?"Alex suggested.

"yes!" I said a little too loud, sitting up, which make Alex laugh a little.

"Let me guess, a horror movie?"

"Yeah, how did you..." I gave him a confused look.

"Saw your posters." I looked at my wall which was covered with movie posters, most of them were horror. Now I felt a little silly leaving them on.


"Here, sit down," Alex said grabbing a laptop and sitting down, back against the wall, making space for me.

Which was the weirdest experience I ever had. It felt so domestic and natural, he didn't even think about inviting me into his bed. and I didn't either, grabbing my blanket and sitting down next to him.

"So which movie are we watching?" he asked.

"I'll let you decide."

Alex browsed through movies until he found something that caught his attention. I have seen that film before, but I didn't say anything. It was mediocre at best. It was about a haunted house and I have seen hundreds of those. But Alex seemed to enjoy it. Making jokes and critiquing stupid characters' actions, made the movie ten times better.

I didn't notice when I fell asleep. It had to be some time around the third act but I couldn't say for sure. The only thing I knew when I woke up was that it was morning and I was very much not in my bed.

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